Panic and melt downs

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"I left hime!" Honey screeched as he looked around his desk for his beloved bunny "I have to go back and get him I can't leave him there Someone will take him" he told Mori as he got up from his seat but as soon as he got up the teacher walked in looking rather unhappy.

The rest of the students got up and bowed greeting there teacher with a good morning before sitting once again "good morning class we have a lot to go over and I'm not in the mood for games today. I was just informed that our midterms have been rescheduled for the end of the month and we have much to learn" the professor explained as he started writing on the board.

Honey sat with the rest of the class and tried to stay quiet but the longer he sat the more he thought about his poor bunny left all alone on the floor of his last class. The panic of not having usa-Chan made the small blonde grins his teeth causing irritation and pain to shoot from his cavity that he was still trying to hide. After sitting through about ten minutes of class honey couldn't take the stress anymore and went into a full on panic attack.

"T-takashi I need USA-can I can't leave him I have to go get him" honey whispered to his black haired cousin who looked over and shushed him. This angered honey greatly and made his face turn red. He wanted his cousin to understand he was struggling and help him but since he wasn't listening honey did something drastic. He got up and walked to the door but before he got close he was stopped

"Mitskuni haninozuka what on earth do you think you are doing getting up without permission and disrupting class?!" The teacher yelled making every head in the class look up. No one had actually saw the small blonde get up because they were to worried about there own work.

Honey stopped in his tracks and looked up at the teacher with a prominent blush on his face "I-I'm so sorry I forget something in my last class and I must go get it, it is very important to me a-" honey was explaining but was cut off

"Young man if this item was very important to you then you wouldn't have forgotten it in your last class. Now you are wasting time trying to leave to retrieve it and you didn't even ask permission. I will not have this! apologize to the class for waiting not only my time but there's with your little show and go back to your seat unless you wish to see mr. Suoh and have a week of detention!" The teacher scolded a now teary-eyed red faced honey he had never been threatened with a trip to the principle before and he wasn't about to go now. He turned facing his class and bowed "I'm sorry for taking up your class time with my miss behaving" he said then went back to his seat and put his head down. After a minute of silence something unexpected happened....

Honey had a melt down

The small blonde threw himself on the floor and started kicking and screaming he couldn't take today and everything that had went wrong he wanted USA-Chan and he wanted Mori to see he was hurting and struggling and of no one wouldn't listen to him when he was proper then maybe they would listen to him now. And they were. Every eyes was on him watching hime. Some with worry, others with confusion, and some with anger. But the one he saw the most was anger and it came from his teacher and his cousins who was picking him up off of the floor

"Please excuse us" he told everyone in his deep voice as he ushered the the small boy away as he continued kicking and screaming. It wasn't until the pair reached the hosting room that Mori took honey off of his shoulder and draped his across his lap.

Usually the host room was empty at this time since it was only second block and class was going on but today it seemed that classes for the hosts were canceled because everyone was in the room watched the senior pair. Mainly because there usually cheery little honey was throwing a fit like a toddler.

Honey continued to kick and scream throwing his tantrum as he was placed over his cousins lap. Right away he realized where he was and panicked trying to get up. He was very accustom to spankings because it was a punishment at home. He also knew Mori had permission to punish him if he found it fit and had a reason. He had never done it before. Until now.

"T-takashi...please...please don't I'll stop I promise" honey mumbled quietly hopping it would stop what was about to come but it did not. Mori raises his hand and let it fall on the small pant covered bottom before him.

Honey was shocked at how much the first one hurt and by the third he was crying for a new reason, he never expected a spanking from Mori to hurt so much. Everyone in the room watched in surprised horror as Mori the man who was always by honeys side to protect him was now punishing him and was the reason he was crying. Well...everyone but Kyoya.

Kyoya had been watching honey and the way he had been acting for a few days and new something was up. He had also heard about both incidents in class and figured this was Mori's way of fixing it.

After ten very hard well placed spanks Mori stopped and put honey one his feet then held his cheeks to get the boy to look into his eyes but honey flinched away as soon as moris hang every so slightly touched his face and the smaller covered his cheek "stoooooop" honey whined but before he could start again Mori had him pinned to the couch pinching his mouth open.

Inside Mori could see a very angry cavity in the back of honeys mouth "it's not what it looks like" honey lied causing everyone to gather around "it's exactly what it looks like a cavity" haruhi answered and tamaki nodded.

"Honey got lying about your cavity and hiding it from us you are band from participating in club activities until you are healed." Tamaki told the senior who's jaw dropped in shock

Mori get into his back and handed him usa-Chan who he had the whole time. It was suppose to be a lesson on clean up and property but it turned into more. Honey took his bunny and ran to a couch to cry. It would be a very bitter three days

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 18, 2018 ⏰

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