Class disaster

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After doing a quick clean up in the host club room the boys split off and went to there morning classes. For honey and Mori That meant college prep on the other side of the school. The boys walked quickly so they could make it to class on time "Takashi what classes do we have this morning" honey asked skipping happily beside his much taller cousin. 

Mori took a second to think then answered "calculus... and civics... and anthropology before lunch then advanced typing, study lab and double English" he answered going over the whole list so honey would know where to go. "Sounds like today is going to be a long one" honey mumbled and got a nod from Mori in reply. Soon the boys reached there class and walked in.

The classroom was small and only held fifteen student. Only kids in the top of the class got to take advanced classes such as this and once you got accepted it was even harder to stay in.

Honey looked around the room and took a seat in front row so he could see. Mori sat beside him closes to the window so he wouldn't get in anyone's way. Soon the teacher walked in and started class. Honey busied himself taking notes but every now and then his tooth would start to hurt. As time ticked by the pain got worse and it soon became all he could think about. He even stopped taking notes in favor of picking at his jaw.

"Haninozuka?........haninozuka! Are you listening!" The teacher yelled scaring the small blond out of his daze "I'm sorry what?" He answered making the class chuckle "would you like to tell the rest of the class why you were not paying attention? What could have been so important that you were ignoring the lecture!" The teacher scolded as he got closer to honey's desk "n-no sir I-I....." honey tried thinking of something to say but found he had nothing he didn't realize that he had spaced out and didn't mean to disrupt class "out in the Hall! you have detention after school. Maybe writing lines will teach you to listen instead of starting off" The teacher yelled pointing to the door. Honey got up slowly and walked out of the room. He closed the door quietly behind him and stood against the wall as he began to panic

'This is bad! This is very bad! I've never had detention before......what if I get kicked out of the class? What if I get a demerit? What will father think? What will he do he will be so angry and I'll get punished' honey thought to himself as he paced up and down the Hall.
'Wait did he say after school! No that's worse now everyone will know I got in trouble' he mentally groaned and stopped pacing. He stood by the door and calmed down. By the time he was collected the bell rang ending first class.

The class filed out and when everyone was gone but Mori honey walked back in to clean his desk and apologize to his teacher "I-I'm very sorry I disrupted class today sensei I truly did not mean to" honey told his teacher with a bow and braced waiting to be yelled at. "Yes I'm sure you didn't but you will not get information you need or the grades you want by playing with your face and looking out of a window. Next time I will not be so kind am I clear" the teacher asked and honey nodded quickly "yes sir!" He answered with a blush of embarrassment before getting his things and quickly leaving the room with Mori in toe.

"What's wrong today" Mori asked as the two practically ran to there next class "I'm just off today" honey admits as they get to there next class right on time "things will get better I promise right usa-clan?" He ask d looking for his bunny only to find it gone "I left him!"

Honey's three very bitter day (ouran high school host club) Where stories live. Discover now