In the morning

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It was 6:00 a.m at the haninozuka mansion and all over the house alarms were going off. It was Monday and that meant Chika and Honey both had school today.

After countless minutes of batting snooze on his alarm clock honey finally sat up and stretching. "Good morning USA-Chan" he said groggily as he swung his blanket off of his legs and jumped out of bed. The small blonde made his way to the bathroom where he showered and got dressed for the day.

After he was finished dressing honey finally looked in the mirror and realized his left cheek was slightly swollen. Not enough for anyone to realize, but he did. He brought his hand up and touched his cheek pressing on his teeth as he did so. Doing this sent a surge of pain through his mouth and he stopped "that's weird why is it doing that" he asked out-loud to no one and shrugged it off.

Thinking nothing of it he got his toothbrush set it with toothpaste then brushed his teeth. Again this made his mouth hurt but this time it was worse! Putting pressure on his back teeth hurt a lot. So he was very gentle. Once he finished he smiled left the bathroom, grabbed usa-Chan then went to breakfast.

At the table already eating breakfast was Chika, mother, and father. Honey joined them quietly and a maid gave him a plate. he thanked her and began picking at his food. As the family ate honey's dad realized his son was not eating and even more he wasn't eating cake or any other sweet things.

"mitsukuni are you feeling alright?" his fathers rough voice asked bringing honey out of the daze he was in "yes sir I'm alright I'm just not hungry this morning" he answered looking away. "may I be excused?" Honey asked pushing his plate away. His father watched him then looked at the time "yes you may go get mori and head to school" his father instructed.
"Yes sir" honey answered and quickly left the table.

After getting his shoes on and slipping his school blazer over his shoulders honey grabbed his school bag and ran to The haninozuka mansion across the yard. He walked in without knocking and made his way though the house finding his cousins and aunt at the table "good morning everyone" he said with a happy and bubbly smile "ready for school Takashi?" He asked skipping over to the dark haired giant. Mori gave a nod and got up waving to his family then picked up honey and made his way to the limo.

Once both boys were in the limo it took off smoothly down the street on its way to ouran academy. "Did you brush your teeth" Mori asked making honey giggle "I always brush my teeth" he exclaimed.....but it was a lie.

Honey's three very bitter day (ouran high school host club) Where stories live. Discover now