Chapter 1

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It was 12:15 in the afternoon and Aaliyah was officially ready for lunch. She had been siting at her desk, answering emails from hours and her back was beginning to hurt.

She pushed her computer chair out, stood and stretched her arms out, releasing all the built up tension that developed while she sat for so long. She let her co-workers, who sat next to her, know she was heading out before she grabbed her purse and walked to the elevator.  She was meeting her friend, Sunny, in the building lobby so she had to hurry. Once in the elevator, she pressed the lobby floor button  and took a step back from the door as it closed.  Since she wasn't the only person in the elevator, she felt wrong not acknowledging his presence. So, she turned to him and greeted him with an awkward smile before turning her head forward.  She wanted to look back at him because she found him quite attractive, the the elevator awkwardness was already too much.  The two stood in silence until the elevator reached the lobby floor, where she'd quickly left to her friend. She walked to Sunmi, nicknamed Sunny for her bright personality, and tapped her on the shoulder, which caused her to jump per usual. Aaliyah laughed at the fact that her friend was so easily frightened.

"Aaliyah, it's not funny. How many times do I have to say it? Please don't sneak up behind me," she said as she pouted like an upset child. 

"Sunny...When I say your name you get scared, when I tap your shoulder you get scared, when I walk around and stand in front of you, you get scared. No matter what way I do it, you get scared because you're a scardy cat," Aaliyah said. 

"Am not," she objecting to Aaliyah's statement.  Her phone began to ring loudly which scared her for a second causing her to jump again proving her point. She turned to Aaliyah, who stood with her arms crossed and a proud smile because Sunny just proved her point. Sunny rolled her eyes and picked up the phone coming from Sunny.

"Yes?" She said. 

"Who is it?" Aaliyah asked.

"Hamia," she replied. Aaliyah watch Sunny speak on the phone, not saying much other than uh huh and ending with we're on our way, waiting for her to inform her of what Hamia said. Sunny hung up the phone and grabbed her purse off from the metal bench before walking towards the door. She stopped and turned to Aaliyah who get again stood with her arms crossed silently.

"Aren't you coming?" She asked.

"Yeah, but you wanna..I don't know, maybe tell me what she said.

"Oh right," Sunny said softly laughing with her hand on her chest walking back over to her.

"Oh right," Aaliyah mimicked.

"She said that they're waiting for us at the cafe down the street from here. The one we alway go to on Friday's. So let's go," she said cheerfully as she locked her arm with Aaliyah's and skipped out the building with a big smile. 

It didn't take them long to get to the cafe since it wasn't far from their work. As they entered the cottage core aesthetic themed cafe, they looked around for Hamia and Dawn before they spotted them sitting in the back.

"Hello girlies," Sunny said grinning as she and Aaliyah approached their table before taking a seat themselves.

"I still don't understand how you can be so cheerful. Like you just came from work," Dawn said before she took a sip from her vanilla latte. 


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