Evie the Sass Princess

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EVIE TRIED NOT TO SCREAM WHEN SHE SAW MAL IN FRONT OF HER. Her bravado act and 'leave me alone or else you die' attitude obviously hadn't made Mal scared of her enough to leave her alone. She'd honestly hoped that that would work, but apparently it had just made her more angry.

She didn't know whether to try to run around her, scream and cry, give up, or hide. Before she could decide, Mal said, "Oh, hello! I didn't see you there!"

Evie fought the urge to roll her eyes. Yeah, right, she thought. 

"But," Mal continued. "Since you're here..." she held out her palm and set it ablaze with green fire. Her wicked smile made Evie gulp silently, but she just crossed her arms and raised an eyebrow. 

"Wow, I'm so scared." 

The daughter of Maleficent blinked. The little fire on her hand disappeared. Then it blazed again, in sync with her eyes. "You know, I thought you'd be a little more... intimidating. But I guess that you're more like a spoiled brat type."

Evie threw her arms up in frustration. "Why does everyone keep saying that today?"

Mal looked shocked at Evie's lack of fear. She'd obviously expected Evie to cower and fall onto her knees, begging for forgiveness. 

Well, that wasn't going to happen. Not today. Not ever. 

The bluenette popped her knuckles, smiling. "So... what are you here for again?"

Mal, somewhat confused, slowly said, "To punish you... weren't you listening earlier?"

Evie looked up, pretending to be trying to remember what had happened just a couple of minutes ago. "Hmm... no, I don't think so."

The evil fairy let out a growl in frustration, her eyes flaring green even brighter with anger. "Why aren't you cowering in fear? That's what everyone else does! I can't even- Gah!" She leapt forward suddenly and tackled Evie to the ground, knocking the wind out of her. 

But she wasn't going to let Mal defeat her so easily. She hissed and slapped Mal across the cheek so hard she rolled.

Evie got up and dusted imaginary dust off of her shoulders. "Okay, I'mma leave now..."

"I don't think so." Mal flicked her finger and Evie flew into the air, slamming on the ground at her feet. She calmly stepped on her chest and pressed down on it, sneering. The breath left Evie's lungs and her face grew red as the apple she'd eaten earlier. "Don't worry, Queenie. Your punishment's only gonna get worse."

Evie ignored the fear that turned her stomach and stuck out her tongue. "You... Apple," she choked out.

Mal only laughed cruelly. "So this is how my mother feels? With all the power in the world, her enemies at her feet. I kinda like it."

She lifted her foot to kick Evie's lights out, and the trapped girl scrunched her eyes shut, waiting for the pain and the black eye she'd have to later cover up with foundation to keep her mother from freaking at her.

"Stop!" a voice cried out. Evie opened her eyes and saw Carlos run towards her and push Mal off of her. "Are... are you okay?" he asked, checking her for injuries.

Evie just nodded. "Yeah, I'm good. The only injuries sustained were on her side." She gestured to Mal, who crossed her arms angrily.

"That's not true!" she protested. "I totally kicked your butt!"

"Ha," Evie snorted. "Don't lie to yourself."

The girl's eyes flashed with fury, and she lifted her arms to electrify the teens in front of her.

Dark Descendants-Isle of the Lostحيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن