1 : Endure

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WARNING: Abuse is mentioned and also vomiting.


Holding out her wrists, it throbbed with pain as she held in her sobs. The blood soaked whip came down onto the delicate flesh once more, drawing more blood as the girl flinched slightly. Her wrists felt like they were in fire and yet no sounds escaped her lips.

"When I tell you to come home," the whip came down once more, "you come home, got it!" Her mother's voice hissed at her, laced with anger as she brought the whip down once more.

Her mother was beautiful in her eyes, with light lavender hair that fell in soft waves down her back. Piercing dark purple eyes were enchanting, despite the anger brewing within them. To her, her mothers heart shaped face, and button nose, was beautiful and yet she was the devil.

"Honey, I think you got your point across," a voice spoke soothingly, trying to ease the tension. His usually short black curly hair was messier than usual, with the back ends sticking all over the place. Deep blue eyes looked worriedly at all the blood that coated his daughters arms, "let me treat her wounds Shizuke."

Shizuke turned around to face her husband, her mood worsening, "You spoil her Goro!" She accused, the whip she held long forgotten on the floor but her daughter still bleeding, "If you keep babying her then she won't amount to anything useful! We blessed her with our quirks and the least she can do is get home in time for her training!"

It was like playing with a snake, make the wrong move and it'll strike you.

Gently placing his hands on his wife's shoulders, Goro kept his blue eyes on her, "I know you're frustrated, but look at her wounds," he gestured to the bleeding wrist of their daughter, "she can't possibly train when she can die from blood loss."

Gritting her teeth, Shizuke wanted to snap back at him, but restrained herself as she realized the full extent of her punishment. Frowning slightly, she shoved Goro's hands off of her before briskly walking away, in an attempt to cool her temper. However, once her husband was done treating their daughters wounds, they'll start training immidietly.

Directing his attention to his daughter, Goro let out a shaky sigh when he noticed all the blood. Mustering up a smile, he gently lead her to the bathroom, "let's gets you cleaned up okay?"

Opening the faucet, he guided her wrists underneath the water to clean the wound. Grabbing the first aid kit, he began to pull out bandages and the alcohol. The whole time his daughter didn't say anything, "your mother was only worried when you didn't show up," he tried to find an excuse for Shizukes actions, but even he didn't by into them.

"I hate both of you," her voice was broken, small and hopeless. Dark blue eyes stared blankly at the cuts on her wrist and all she could think about was how her own mother did this, "I wish you would just let me die."

Goro didn't say anything at first, just staring down at her wounded wrist. Finally, he shut off the water and poured the alcohol over a pad and gently began to disinfect the wound, "I know," he replied warily, "I hate myself and your mother as well. Just keep hanging in there Serafina."

"Go to hell."

"We certainly are."


"Get up!" Her mother screamed at the young girl who was sprawled on the floor. Walking over to the figure, Shizuke roughly kicked her on the side, causing Serafina to let out a pained groan, "get up you useless shit," she hissed out.

Everything ached. It self like someone ran her over with a car multiple times and she barely had the strength to keep her eyes open. Serafina and her mother had been training relentlessly for six hours straight in nothing but hand-to-hand combat with the usage of both of their poison Quirk and the young girl finally reached her breaking point.

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 10, 2022 ⏰

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