Prison Sentence

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The first sound of a rumbling ship and blaring alarms is something no one wants to hear in the early morning hours. Rocket opens his eyes slowly due to the sound. He groans in annoyance as he tries to close his eyes again until the ship rocks again in an unnatural way. The sudden motion forces Rocket to sit up as he nearly falls to the floor by the uneven motion of the ship. His eyes are wide open now though a look of annoyance covers his face as he gets up to go investigate. "What the hell? Who's messing with the controls now...?" He mumbles to himself in annoyance as he looks at a nearby clock that tells him it is in the early morning. Rocket gets up from his bed and fumbles out of the room. His eyes try to adjust to the blinking red lights in the hallway. Normally it is a very poor sign but he is still fairly tired to be be fully aware of the possible danger they are in.

Rocket makes his way straight to the control room of the ship in hopes to get to the bottom of all the noise. It is bad enough he is awaken early in the morning but it is even worse by the fact that there are now red flashing lights and blaring sirens. It should worry any and everyone on the ship, but Rocket is more confused by the alarming noise and lights than concern. It is not long before he enters into the control room. He is more awake now as he rubs his eyes and tries to look at what the problem is.

Peter is already there though. The human is seated in the piloting chair and only turns around for a second after hearing Rocket shuffling into the room. They make eye contact for a split second before louder footsteps can be heard coming from behind Rocket. Drax can be seen stomping into the room as he more than likely also confused by the sudden noise from the ship. Rocket moves over slightly as to nearly not get stepped on by the larger man. A minor look of confusion enters Drax's face as a few lights continue to flash as a warning to them. "What's wrong?" His voice is deep and strong. Even with a puzzled expression he manages to keep his voice steady enough to actually make him look as if he is not worried at all. Rocket turns to Peter, sitting in the pilot's seat.

"Yeah. What is wrong? What'd you break, Quill?" Rocket asks accusingly.

Peter quickly looks back at them and then right back at the monitors in front of him and then right back at them once more. "Uhhh. I don't know. I'm still trying to figure it out." Peter gives a simple reply as he starts reading over the error notes.

Rocket shakes his head at the comment as more footsteps can be heard coming into the room. One being a lot quicker and lighter and the other one heavy and slightly slower. Within seconds, Gamora is next to enter into the room that is quickly followed by Groot. As Groot slowly glance around the room, Gamora takes a quick scan around to ensure there was no immediate danger and looks back towards everyone. "What's going on," she asks simply.

"Quill broke the ship," Rocket replies as he shakes his head.

Peter is quick to turn around and give a fake hurt look towards the raccoon. "I didn't break anything! I think something broke on its own." Peter goes back to looking at a monitor and tries his best to look so offended even though Rocket is well aware that he is just being over dramatic. Though even from his position, Rocket can see the spam of words entering the screen in front of Peter Quill. It almost burns the eyes as he tries his hardest to read every word of it. Finally Peter speaks up again. "Uhhhh. I think something's wrong with the generator."

"Can it be fixed," Gamora asks a little too quickly.

Peter shrugs his shoulders at first and opens up a nearby crate. "I guess, but the entrance is super small," Peter explains as he starts fumbling out maps of the ship to get a better idea of what they were up against. He then turns back to the controls and pulls a few levers, and within seconds the alarms stop. It is enough to bring even some peace but with a broken part on the ship, they would limited in travel.

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