Rocket and Blackjack

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With the recent events in Rocket's life, he's promised himself he would stay on the low profile side for a while. With the entire galaxy thinking of him as some loser who gets wedgies Rocket would be wise to avoid anymore interactions with anyone until this entire thing blows over. He does not know when that will be though. After all, every once in a while he would get messages from people wanting to wedgie and bully him. The news from different planets also covered his wedgie tales, and some were even able to gather footage of his recent run ins and had the audacity to play it. However, his current problem is something he was not expecting today. It is the early morning hours on one of the many space markets. It is a round thankfully and Rocket is only out and about because he wanted a break from hiding away on his ship. He thought that he would not have any issues since no one else would really be up at the odd hour. As he walks through the empty marketplace, Rocket notices someone from afar. He does not pay too much attention until he notices they are walking towards him, and as they approach, Rocket finally gets a good look at the person and realizes that he knows them. Walking towards him is the slightly infamous Blackjack O' Hare. He recognizes that rabbit anywhere.

The rabbit is someone Rocket knows too well and he wonders what are the odds of them both being on the same marketplace in space would be. Rocket can not honestly say that he likes being in the company of Blackjack O' Hare. Though he can't also say he hates the rabbit. They have a bit of a history but even Rocket would admit he's been in worse company. Rocket is the first to acknowledge that he's worked against and alongside plenty of shady people across the galaxy. Though he will also admit that one of the causes of his dislike towards Blackjack is a simple fact that they are not too far from each other. They have more in common than what Rocket would hope for.

Once Blackjack gets close to Rocket, they stare at each other for a short moment until Blackjack breaks the ice by slowly grinning and then laughing. "Rocket! I haven't heard from you in such a long time! The only news I've been hearing of you is all the wedgies you've been getting from everyone. You got to tell me more about that!"

"Great. You heard too," Rocket complains mostly to himself. Though Blackjack hears the comment and laughs.

"Everyone's heard. I can promise you that no one in this galaxy hasn't heard about how you are the new wedgie bastard around! I think it's funny though," Blackjack snickers.

Rocket stays silent for a moment. Rocket knows he shouldn't be surprised anymore. He already has an idea that most people have heard of his many wedgie adventures. The fact that he's still getting them only proves that he's weak enough to be getting them.

"Okay. Okay. So you've heard about it. So what? What do you want now? You don't lurk around this part of the galaxy much." Rocket doesn't feel like dealing with Blackjack at the moment. However, he knows the rabbit too well. He wouldn't be talking to Rocket for no reason. Blackjack is the type of person who always seems to be doing something for a reason. The fact that he's talking to Rocket now is telling him something.

Though Blackjack plays it cool. "Ohhhhh. Not much. I just wanted to stop by and say hi to you. Is that so hard to believe?" He is clearly lying.

"Yes," Rocket replies bluntly. Though Blackjack doesn't take any offense to it, and in fact, laughs at the comment.

"Haha! You're a lot grumpier than what I remember, but you got me. I wanted to see you for a reason. I saw the ad you put up a few days ago. You looking for an accelerator device? Well I got one right here for yah and since I thought that we haven't bonded in such a long time that I should try and see you in person."

Rocket completely forgot about that ad he put online a while back. He did not desperately need one but more so just as a backup part. With his recent string of bad luck Rocket decided to try and make things smoother for himself by keeping his life more organized than normal. For him, one thing Rocket was short of was a new accelerator device. In fact, that is why he is on this planet. He was hoping that later on the day, when the shops would open up, that he would look around and try and find one at a cheap price. Yet, here is Blackjack O' Hare standing in front of him claiming to have what he needs. It is not how he expected today to go. This might actually be a positive change for Rocket.

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 12, 2022 ⏰

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