A Teeny, Tiny Mistake

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'Okay guys, that's it for this week, I hope you enjoyed watching another five or so minutes of me utterly failing at life.'

Dan mentally planned his editing, zooming in on his face as he pretended to grimace.

With a small chuckle, he saluted with his 'Goodbye Internet!'

He switched off the camera, happy that he had got a video filmed, done and dusted (besides the long editing process, obviously).

After packing his equipment away, he slouched into the lounge where Phil was sitting, with his laptop, cross legged on the sofa.
Dan smiled at the sight of him; his small tongue peeping through the corner of his mouth, his blank look that was reserved for browsing tumblr, occasionally replaced by a tiny grin when seeing a cat gif.

Dan leaped on to the sofa, making Phil make a strange noise resembling 'YAH!' and Phil's laptop to veer sideways, only to be caught just in time by Phil himself.

Dan laughed while Phil pulled a grumpy face.
'I hate you.' He said, trying not to smile (failing not to smile).

Dan nudged his head on Phil's shoulder.
'Nah, you love me.'

Phil glanced at Dan affectionately.
'Yeah, I do.' He kissed Dan's forehead gently and returned to scrolling.

Dan smiled.

He and Phil had been together for nearly five years now, starting when they had first met each other in 2009. It took them hardly any time to fall in love.

The only problem with it was that it had been a secret for all those years. The only people who knew were a few of their close friends, and they were sworn to secrecy.

Sometimes though, they didn't see the point of keeping it a secret. Most of the members of the 'Phandom' had figured it out, from one almighty clue (The Valentines Day video, accidentally unprivated by YouTube leading to most people finding out about their relationship. They quickly came up with the story that it was an April Fools Day prank, but they still knew people didn't believe that) and more subtle things, like how they behaved around each other. Even in the first Phil is not on fire, they behaved like a couple, giggling together and Phil tackling Dan into a hug.

'What are you looking so happy about?'
Phil poked Dan's cheek.

Dan smiled, remembering all of this.
'You. Me. Us. Blah.'

'Blah? Wow, that sounds interesting. Can't wait to hear more about blah.'
Phil sarcastically replied.

Dan laughed. 'Hey, I'm the sarcastic one around here. This town isn't big enough for the two of us. Please be on your way.'

Phil pulled a face, then got up and walked out of the door, returning a mere three seconds later to leap onto Dan, laughing, grabbing his hands and kneeling on his legs.

'I love you, okay?' Dan leaned up to kiss Phil, pressing his lips gently to his for a second, then leaning back to look at him, still in slight shock that he had found someone so perfect, so beautiful.

'And I love you.'


Three hours later, Dan had finished editing his video and was now uploading it.

After an hour or so of browsing so tumblr after the video uploaded, he checked to see the response in the comments.

He expected the usual ones, mostly good feedback but a few negative comments, sometimes some random person complimenting his hair, but instead he was met with hundreds of shocked comments, mostly saying 'OH MY GOD'

One near the top asked "Is this your subtle way of coming out?"

Another was "this is literal proof they are together. GUYS, YOU CAN STOP LYING NOW."

Dan felt his skin go icy hot, and he started to feel slightly sick... What the hell was everyone talking about?

He clicked play on the video, his eyes rapidly scanning the screen to see what they were all talking about.

His vision landed on the bottom left corner, where his laptop had been sitting on his bed behind him.

There, as his screensaver, was a photo from his 21st birthday of him and Phil in Vegas; Dan with his arms around Phil and both of them grinning into the camera.

The nauseous feeling intensified, and he called out, his voice slightly shaky.

'Um, Phil? Please come here for a second.'

Phil walked into Dan's room, oblivious to what had happened.

'What's wrong?' He asked, worried at the look of panic on Dan's face.

Dan breathed deeply. 'They know. Everyone knows.'

At first, Phil look confused, and then the penny dropped.

His already pale skin turned a slight shade lighter for a second, then he spoke calmly.
'How do they know?'

Dan turned the screen towards him and pointed to the small but clear enough image.

Phil breathed slowly.

'It's okay. We can deal with this.'

Dan looked at him in surprise having been expecting slightly more than that.

'What?' He asked in confusion.

Phil knelt down to Dan's sitting height and looked him straight in the eyes.

'Dan, we've been together for five years. I think it's time we make it official for everyone else, it's not like most of them haven't guessed anyway.'

He shrugged.

Dan thought for a second. If they were to formally announce their relationship, how would people react?

He smiled at Phil nervously. 'Okay. We can tell them, properly. When?'

Phil shrugged again. 'Now seems as good a time as ever. You should probably unpack your camera again.'


'Hello Internet! Hehe, well this is gonna be a different video, I can tell you that...'

Him and Phil sat next to each other on their sofa, both facing the camera.

'So in Dan's last video, there was something that you weren't meant to see. A teeny, tiny mistake that somehow got through the editing process, that a load of you guys picked up on.'

Phil carried on.

'What you weren't meant to see was Dan's screensaver on his laptop, which is this.'

They planned to edit in the picture.

'As I think by now this picture proves here is a big, rather obvious announcement. Me and Dan are in fact together and have been for over four years.'

Dan spoke.

'We're sorry that we kept it from all of you, but we wanted to do it in our own way, on our own terms. This isn't exactly what I had in mind but given the circumstances, hey ho.'

After another few minutes, Phil finished the video.

'And guys, please don't treat us differently. We're still us, except now...'

Phil smiled and took Dan's hand in his.

'Phan is most definitely real.'

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