Build God, Then We'll Talk

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Dan's never believed in miracles.

He can't remember the last time he went to church, or said any kind of prayer - and hell, he's still puzzling over human existence, the potential existence of a God is just another can of worms he'd rather stay sealed.

But it's so hard not to believe in a higher power occasionally shooting down these rays of sunshine people like to call miracles, these waves of happiness, or wonder, or extraordinary events that shouldn't happen but somehow do - its so hard, when there are people that make you want to believe there is a God.

In Dan's case, the human bringing him to question his already shaky and unsure view of atheism is Phil Lester.

Dan thinks that Phil might be an alien, or even an angel, but he is absolutely certain that Phil Lester is not human.

Humans don't radiate sunshine, or illuminate the world like Phil does. They don't have the power of calming Dan down just by brushing their hand against his arm, or the ability to bring him home just by being there.

Humans aren't mean to feel like a whole other part of you - a part that you didn't even realise was missing before, but feels like the completing puzzle piece of an intricate jigsaw.
It's like Phil's stepped into Dan's skin, like he's a layer of his clothes that he doesn't think twice about wearing, or ever wants to take off.

Phil feels like home to him, and Dan has no comprehension as to when or why or how he started feeling this way - it's new and it's scary, and although Dan should feel terrified of falling too fast and landing too hard, he's not the only one falling.

Phil is his miracle. He's falling with him, and Dan'll be damned if Phil doesn't catch him.

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