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Phil focused the camera on himself, switched on and adjusted his lighting then began to speak.

'Hi guys! This week I've got my normal video and at the end, a special announcement!'

He did jazz hands and laughed, then moved on to his video.

All of it was scripted already, so he could switch to his autopilot and think about things while he was filming.

Should he even be doing the "special announcement"? Would Dan be okay with it, or would it ruin their friendship forever?

He tried to dismiss that theory, that Dan would hate him afterwards, thinking about how Dan sometimes looked at him, or the special spark in his eye that seemed to be reserved just for Phil. How happy he was when he was there. How much more himself he was.

He smiled a small smile to himself, and before he could think about it, it was the announcement.

'Okay, and now on to the thing I said about at the beginning of the video, my announcement. It isn't radio show news or anything, but it is pretty big and I'm gonna need your support on this.'

He took a deep breath to calm himself.

'I know for a fact that Dan watches my videos every week. I've actually caught him before, haha. Well, I want to see if he's watching this one.'

After a half-second of praying to God that everything will work out, Phil continues.

'Dan Howell, you are my best friend. You make me happy. You're the only person who knows me inside and out, and who knows exactly who I am, sometimes better than I know myself. You've influenced me in so many ways, from how I speak, to how I look at the world. One thing I know for sure about the world is that it's beautiful and it's amazing, and I think that might be because you're in it.

I would do anything for you.

I love you.'

Phil chuckles quietly.

'I hope to god you see this soon or you're going to get some very strange and excited messages from members of the phandom pretty soon.'

'Okay guys. Thank you for listening to my soppy little announcement, see you next time! BYE.'

After editing for a few hours, the video is ready to publish.

Am I ready to do this? He asks himself

Am I ready to risk throwing away my friendship over this?

Yes. Yes, you are. Because this isn't some stupid crush that'll go away, this is real, true, raw love that only the person on the receiving end can match. This is love that makes you want to wake up next to that person everyday, and put up with their bad habits, because to you they're perfect. Any flaws or imperfections are magnified but they become cute personality traits, or quirks, because you love everything about them.

With this in mind, Phil hit publish.

Unfortunately seeing as YouTube is, well, YouTube, the video took a long, long time to progress.

For an hour Phil waited. He went into Dan's room to chat and muck about, savouring every moment just in case.

When he went back to check his computer, he looked at the screen just in time to see the video go live.

No turning back.

Phil realised that now it would be a matter of time before the fans went insane.

Sure enough, the comments section was repeatedly refreshing itself, with comments such as:




Phil giggled. He knew this was just the beginning.

An hour later

'Phil? I'm getting weird messages from people on twitter about your new video?' Dan loped in, a confused expression on his face.

Phil shrugged. 'Maybe you should watch it.'

Dan, looking as confused as ever, turned around and looked it up on his laptop. Phil listened silently, knowing what was next.

As he heard his own voice talking about Dan, he heard Dan.

'What... I- oh my god. OH MY GOD.'

He heard the video end, and Dan's heavy breathing through the wall.

'I- wow. Okay. Holy crap.'

Dan continued that for a while, before Phil heard the clicking of his keyboard.

A new comment appeared in the comments section:

I love you too.


Ten seconds ago

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