12. The Persistence

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It had been four days since Mansi had seen Amit. He came back late and left early in the morning. On the fifth day, Amit came back in the late hours of the evening and Mansi was shocked to see his state. Dark circles covered his eyes and he looked absolutely distraught and sleep-deprived. His body language was also not the same. His shoulders were slumped and he walked as if he was dragging himself to somehow move forward. Mansi knew at once that something was seriously wrong.

Mansi rushed to Amit and immediately took hold of his laptop bag. She set it down on the dining table and took hold of Amit, walking him slowly and carefully towards the sofa. She made him sit down and looked at him. Amit seemed to be lost in a daze which worried Mansi even more. She could not fathom what could have possibly gotten him so worried.

She got up and went to the kitchen, preparing a cup of hot tea and brought it to the living room where Amit was still sat in the same position that Mansi had left him in. Mansi tried to shake Amit out of his daze but he wouldn't come out of it. Giving up, she too just sat there looking at him. Sighing, she decided to make him lay down  for a while on the sofa itself. Amit looked in dire need for some sleep. She got down on the floor and started taking off Amit's shoes. It was then that Amit suddenly jerked out of his fixation and jerked suddenly, hitting Mansi with his leg in the process. 

Shocked, Mansi looked up into Amit's face and saw that his face was full of anger. He got up and looked down upon her, breathing heavily, "What do you think you were doing?" Amit shouted and stormed out the room. Mansi burst into tears and cried her heart out. It was a quarter to eleven and Mansi was still sobbing quietly in the bedroom when there was a small knock on the door. Knowing it was Amit, she did not respond but tried to calm herself down and stop crying. She did not want him to see her in this condition. She did not want Amit to know the kind to effect that he had on her.

Amit opened the door and came inside. It looked like he had taken a shower and changed. It improved his appearance to an extent and he looked a little less drastic than before. He stood there for a while and Mansi could see him struggling for words from the corner of her eyes. She refused to look at him. Finally, Amit walked up to her and sat down on the bed. He touched Mansi's hand gently and urged her to look at him.

Eyes puffy and red, Mansi finally turned towards Amit and looked at him in the eyes. Amit pulled her towards him and hugged her. He hugged her as if his life depended on it. Mansi was shocked by his gesture but welcomed the hug and held him in her arms. She felt Amit's body relax and her own body reciprocated the feeling. Words were not spoken between them but Mansi understood Amit's pain and Amit took solace in her arms as he slept like a baby. They both forgot their worries and tensions and it was just them and nothing else.

The next morning brought a new determination in Mansi. She woke up before Amit and decided not to wake him up. She tip-toed towards the bathroom and got fresh. Then she went to the kitchen and put together Amit's favourite breakfast. She was a persistent young lady who was determined to help her husband. She had promised Amit that she was going to give this relationship its best shot and it was time to pull out the big guns.

She cleaned up the house real quick and arranged the table for breakfast. She wanted everything to be perfect.

Once she was satisfied with the setting, she went to the bedroom to wake Amit up. Amit groaned and rolled to the other side but eventually woke up. Now that he had had a proper sleep, he looked much better. Mansi was hoping that even his temper would be much better as he is well rested. She asked Amit to freshen-up and stayed there all the while. She wanted Amit to open up to her. She wanted Amit to let her in. She wanted Amit to share his problems with her because she was his wife and she will be by his side no matter what. If Amit was not going to do this on his own then Mansi was going to be as persistent as possible no matter how angry he gets, no matter how much he shouts at her.

Amit's face brightened up as he saw his favourite breakfast was kept on the table. He quickly sat down while Mansi served him the food. Mansi took a little food on her plate too but all her hunger went away on seeing Amit's happiness. She hadn't realized how much he had started meaning to her already. Once done, she quickly cleaned up the table and asked Amit to come and sit with her for a while in the balcony. This was the moment...Mansi had to be careful in her approach as one wrong move might shut her out completely!

"Amit, I know you haven't known me for that long so as to entrust me with all of your secrets, but I just wanted to let you know that you can. I would never dare disclose anything to anyone because yes, I'm your wife but above all, I'm your friend. I want to be your best friend because I don't think any relationship can work if there is no friendship between the two people." Mansi took a dramatic pause. " I know you have been going through something and I just cannot imagine what it is that is making you act as such. It is bound to be something big because, in the few months that I have known you, I know that you deal with problems with a cool head and if you are not able to do that for the current situation, I cannot fathom how bad it would be. Please let me in... please don't shut me out like this."

With his back towards Mansi, Amit looked into the horizon. He had heard each and every word that Mansi had just spoken loud and clear but he was still not sure. 'What would she know?' was his internal argument for keeping Mansi out of the whole situation. But maybe it was the well-rested rational part of his mind or the part that felt guilty about last night where he had unknowingly hit Mansi, Amit decided to let her in.


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