5. The Wedding

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It was the night before Mansi's big day. As it was past midnight, everything was quiet. The nerves had started to kick-in for Mansi so she decided to take a look around the house, her house, one last time.

With henna still on her hands, she quietly opened her bedroom door. She made her way down the stairs, which were decorated with flowers, towards the living room door. As she approached, she could hear voices, voices of her parents.

The last week had been a blur. With daily functions and events, Mansi had not gotten around to spending time with the two people who mean the most to her in the whole world, her parents. Standing right outside the living room, Mansi was remembering all the bitter-sweet moments of the past week. Her parents had prepared a dance to perform on the day of her engagement.

Tears welled up in her eyes as she took a step towards the living room. Her parents were sitting together on the couch looking at the photo album that Mansi's mon had maintained since she was born. It had a record of all of Mansi growing-up phases with special notes here and there. Her parents looked up as she approached and smiled. She noticed that her mother had tears in her eyes whereas her father had a sad smile on his face.

"We knew you would be up, we would have come to you in a while." Mansi's mother said as she moved aside to make space for Mansi to come and sit on the couch between them. As she sat, her father patted her head and her mother took hold of her hand resting her head on Mansi's shoulder.

"We love you beta," Mansi's father said to her. "We are always there for you, never forget that."

Mansi nodded, tearing up yet again. They sat in the living room for another hour talking and reminiscing some beautiful memories. As Mansi finally went to bed, Amit crossed her mind. She fell asleep fantasizing about how her married life would be.

Next morning, she woke up early for another ritual and by the time she was done, it was time to go to the beauty parlour to get ready. Swati met up with Mansi at the beauty parlour and was the perfect best friend that a girl could have as she kept Mansi occupied with random chatter to keep her from panicking out freaking out.

Mansi was a vision in red. Her wedding dress, the lehenga, complemented her perfectly. The jewellery was kept minimal and the makeup was a perfect complement to Mansi's face. As the beautician added the final touch to Mansi look in the form of the traditional bridal nose-ring, Swati couldn't help but gasp at how amazing Mansi looked.

The groom's procession had arrived and Amit's nerves were at the peak. As he waited for the bride to come, he remembered his first date with Mansi. She looked absolutely stunning even when she did not put in much of an effort. On the day of the engagement, she looked like she had just walked out of some fashion catalogue and since then Amit's friends have been constantly telling him how lucky he was to land himself a girl like her. Amit was eager to see how she was going to look today and he was not disappointed.

Mansi kept her eyes hooded as she walked towards the stage where Amit would be waiting for her. A soothing melody started playing that had been picked up by the event planner for the bride's entry but Mansi was indifferent to everything. No sound reached her, she couldn't make out who was who. She was so nervous, she thought she might faint.

Amit couldn't keep his eyes off his bride. He was mesmerised by the angel walking towards him. Everything else ceased to exist for him and it was just him and her at the moment. As Amit saw Mansi come near the stairs, he walked toward her and gave her his hand to help her climb the stairs. Amit didn't realise that he had done this till Mansi came and stood right in front of him.

They exchanged garlands and got pictures clicked with the guests. Mansi finally introduced Amit to all her friends as they came to give their best wishes to the newlyweds.

It was done. Mansi and Amit were married and it was time for Mansi to leave her parents' house to start a new life. It was a tearful affair but soon Mansi was on her way to Amit's house.

On arriving, they were received by a bandwagon of people and Mansi was welcomed inside the house with enthusiasm. She was taken to a room which was decorated with flowers and fairy lights. Mansi understood that this was Amit's room as she took in the decorated bed and other things. She had the worst case of nerves as she waited for Amit to come...



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