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Just how I imagined the cafeteria will look like after the food fight^^

"Hey Josh" I greeted then asked "why are you here early?"After a few minutes and I didn't get an answer, I turned to look at him and noticed that he probably hadn't even heard me, because he was staring into space with a faraway look. And he looked nothing like the Josh I'm used to. I nudged him in his side with my elbow and thankfully that shook him out of whatever he was thinking.
"Huh?" He said finally blinking.
"Wassup?" I asked raising a brow.
"Nothing, I'm good" he repLIED but I let it slide when I saw Nancy, Cat and Emma walk into the cafeteria but not before giving him a 'this isn't over' look that I made sure he saw.
"Hey Keely, hey Josh" Nancy greeted, Emma waved not even raising her eyes from the book in her hands, while Cat just gave us a nod of acknowledgment then they sat down. I raised a brow at Cat, she sighed then said "its that time of the month" I gave her a sympathetic smile.
"Let's go get lunch" Nancy said to Emma and Cat.
"Help me get mine, please I need to use the restroom" Cat said
"Okay" Nancy said then left with Emma and Cat went to the restroom. Mom always packed lunch for Kelvin and I, so I we didn't have to wait in the long line at the cafeteria.
"Josh" I said when they were out of earshot.
"Keely" he said with a sigh.
"Why do I feel like I'm the only one who doesn't know what's wrong with you?" I asked taking out my lunch.
"Maybe, its because there's nothing wrong with me"
"Look just drop it! I'm okay" he snapped surprising me.
"I'm sorry if I was being nosy but I care about you, okay? And seeing you like this is unusual, it's okay if you don't wanna talk about it but..." A scream, more like a screech rang through the cafeteria before I could finish my little speech. Josh and I turned our head quickly to the direction the sound came from, and it came from a girl -I think her name's Bitch or something - and it looked like she'd been arguing with Nancy, so its obvious that Nancy is responsible for the fries stuck in the girl's hair and the coke running down her clothes.
"Ohmgee!" Josh exclaimed chuckling a little and 'cause the cafeteria was quiet everyone heard him and that just seemed to aggravate Bitch's anger as she turned to him with a murderous look, uh-oh. Picking the drink closest to her, which was a strawberry milkshake she threw the cup and it's content at Josh. I dunno if it's the anger or she's naturally brainless but how did she expect it to hit Josh when people were directly in front of him, so the milkshake ended up on a guy, Kelvin and the look on his face almost made me laugh -almost- I didn't need a second bath in the cafeteria.
"Food fight!!!" A guy yelled and the food and drinks went flying through the cafeteria.
"C'mon" Josh said using his tray as a shield for us until we were out of the cafeteria. I looked back at the cafeteria with a worried look
"Don't worry they'll be okay, besides a staff or two will be here soon" Josh said leading me to the library after dropping his tray by the cafeteria entrance.
"Thanks for getting me out of that" I said pointing at the cafeteria.
"No problem... So I'll see you after school?" He asked scratching the back of his neck"
"Sure" I said then we went in the direction of our classes.

"That's all for today, you should be done with your group work before our next class so I can see the reports" Mr. Wilson Tardy said just as the final bell for the day was rung -yea, I totally made a new addition to his name, he wasn't the only tardy teacher but he topped the list of being tardy for the beginning of class but always said his last words before the bell was rung.
"We'll finish the work at your place, right?" Nancy asked as we walked out of the chemistry lab -she's my partner for chemistry, in case you forgot.
"Sure" I nodded "what happened with the food fight" I asked noticing her change of clothes.
"Oh yeah, that. I think your brother kinda... got into... trouble" she said hesitant to say trouble.
"Oh, what about that girl, I think her name's Bitch or something" I said seriously making her laugh.
"Jeez, Keely her name's Betty. And you're really being funny in a bad situation?" She asked when she was done laughing.
"Oh, I seriously thought that was her name... And this is a bad situation, because?" I asked kinda confused.
"Your brother kinda got into trouble"
"Why do you keep saying 'kinda got into trouble' just say he got into trouble... And if that's what you mean by bad situation, it isn't, my parents will be proud that at least one of their child has the potential of getting into trouble"
"Are you serious, right now?" She asked and stopped walking to give me the 'are serious look'
"Don't gimme that look you asked the question with your mouth already" I said pushing her a little so she'll continue walking as we were already close to my locker. "And to answer your question, no I'm not, serious people are in the hospital. They might pretend to be mad a little but then one of them will be like 'I'm thankful that the both of you are not entirely incapable of getting into trouble' and the other one, most likely my dad will say 'you spoke my mind, darling'" I replied mimicking both my mum and dad's voice as we got to my locker, I opened it to take out my shorts -Kelvin's shorts, actually- and a sweatshirt for practice that I had put in the morning
"Wow, can I trade my parents for yours?" She asked making me roll my eyes.
"Nah, but I think I can get my parents to adopt you"
"For real?!" She squeaked
"No, I'm just kidding but seriously, what happened with Bitch that got you all riled up?"I asked
She sighed then said " Keely, her name's... "
"I know its Betty, I prefer Bitch. So what did she do?" I asked again locking my locker.
"She just said some shit that annoyed me" she said
"One, get a mouth filter when you're around me and two, what's two again?" I asked myself.
"I'll wear a mouth filter when I like and it won't be around you"
I groaned then asked "you got practice today?"
"No, but I'll wait until the end of your practice. Can't miss a free nice ride" she replied as we stopped at her locker
"And where are you getting one from?"
"You of course"
"Why what's up with your car?" I asked
"George, needed it and he bribed me into saying yes with chocolate, so I couldn't really think about how I'd GI back home" she said smiling sheepishly. George's her brother.
"If I wasn't a very good person, I'd allow you to walk as your punishment" I said as she finally locked her locker.
"Hey Kency" Cat said coming out of nowhere almost giving me a heart attack.
"Kency?! And where the hell did you come from?" I asked
"From my mom's vag..." I covered her mouth before she completed her sentence.
"Can't you guys get a filter,please?"
"Whatever... And Kency, because saying hey Keely and hey Nancy is too much stress, also if both of you ever wanted to date I've got a ship name for you already" Cat explained saying each word slowly like we were children "and here's a little math; Keely + Nancy= Kency.... Gosh, if only I was good in maths like that"
"You would, if only you paid attention in class" Nancy said
"Yeah, I would if only the teacher didn't talk like she was constipating"
"She doesn't sound like that" Nancy defended
"Okay, you've both made your point now stop arguing" I said interrupting their banter. "I'm going to change" I said looking between the two of them unsure.
"Just go, we won't argue again" Cat said
"Yea, mom. No more arguments" Nancy said making me roll my eyes again.
I was half naked when I heard the door open and close,but I didn't bother turning around since it was probably another girl coming to change, but as I struggled to wear my shorts, wiggling my ass a little I heard a sound that definitely couldn't be made by a girl, so I turned around slowly clad only in my sports bra and shorts that I was finally able to wear and saw....


Cliffhanger 😉.... Hope y'all enjoyed this chapter, it's gonna get exciting in the next I promise.

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