Chapter 2

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An hour, Daniel thought to himself. An hour until his friends would be there along with all the other people that went to the gym straight from school. Daniel remembered everything that had happened at school and is anger began to rise. He went over to the nearest punching bag as he went to attack it. He punched the bag over and over until he had no energy left. He caught hold on the bag and hugged it as he attempted to catch his breath. He just wanted to clear his head. He was sick of all this. Sick of all the hate and blame he got. No way was he going to stop making videos but he had to figure something out. When he caught his breath he walked over to the bench on the other side, putting his head in his hands.

Daniel heard a little cry. So quiet he hadn’t noticed it before. He walked over to where he heard the cry to see Hannah. Daniel knew Hannah ever since he was little. They use to be extremely close but her and Daniel stopped talking when she got a boyfriend. He was controlling but she was too in love with him to realise and he told her she couldn’t speak to Daniel if she wanted to be with him. Hannah was what some would call a goody too shoes. She never had a day of school, yet here she was. Daniel stared at her. Her sandy blonde hair was in a messy bun whilst her piercing blue eyes cried out many tears. Hannah was wearing no make up. Daniel liked her best with no make up but she had worn a heavy amount of make up for years now. Even when she was sick she wore make up. She was too insecure not to. Ever since the boy she had a crush on called her ugly she never believed she was beautiful. 

Daniel sat next to her and wrapped his arms around her shoulders as she cried. Daniel didn’t care about what Hannahs boyfriend would say. Hannah and him were just friends. There was no romance in their relationship. Even if Daniel wanted there to be he never had a chance. Hannah had a boyfriend. She adored him. He loved her and she loved him. They had been together for almost two years. Hannah lost her virginity to him, how could Daniel ever compare to that. Not that he wanted to. He was happy just being friends. He loved her like a sister. Hannah looked up to Daniel. Her blue eyes were bloodshot as she burst into tears again. 

‘What’s the matter Hannah?’ Daniel asked her as he pulled her in closely.

‘Jackson broke up with me.’ She whispered trying to hold in the tears.

‘Why?’ Daniel was concerned. He knew how much Jackson meant to her, they were together for two years.

‘I’m a slut.’ She frowned.

‘No you’re not!’ Daniel demanded as he was in shock from the words that left her mouth. Hannah never swore or used words like that.

‘I’m a stupid slut who went and got pregnant with Jacksons baby and now he doesn’t want to be with me.’ She burst into tears again.

Daniel was in shock. Hannah was pregnant. He never expected that. The thing about Hannah was that she didn’t believe in abortion. She believed it was wrong and so did her parents. Daniel didn’t know how to react. A few girls from Daniels school had been pregnant over the last year. They all had their boyfriends supporting them. They all had dropped out of school because they couldn’t handle it. Daniel knew this wasn’t an option for Hannah. She wouldn’t miss school for anything.

‘Who needs Jackson? I will support you the whole way.’ Daniel smiled at her.

Hannah looked confused. ‘But it’s not even your child?’ She questioned him.

‘It doesn’t matter. Hannah he’s screwed you over. I will always be by your side. You’re one of my best friends.’ He took her hand as he helped her up.

Hannah pulled him into a hug and smiled. She was so happy at what Daniel had said. She missed him. She always wanted to talk to him when she saw him about but she was scared of what would happen with her and Jackson. She was also scared Jackson would hurt Daniel. Hannah didn’t like the Daniel like that but he was like a brother to her. He was in the year above her and he always protected her. She wouldn’t let anyone hurt her.

Daniel waited for Hannah as she got changed out of her school uniform and into her gym clothes. When she came out Daniel couldn’t help but look at how beautiful she looked even though she was at he lowest. They went over to the treadmills. They went on next to each other and went at a pace so they could talk to each other at the same time. Hannah knew something was also bothering Daniel. She wanted to help him like he was helping her.

‘Daniel, what’s happened?’ She asked him.

What do you mean?’ He knew exactly what he meant but he didn’t want to say.

‘Daniel, I know when something is wrong with you. Please, I can help you.’ She took his hand.

Daniel was going to tell her. He held her hand and just as he opened his mouth his friends, Luke, Jai, James and Beau came through. Hannah looked at him helplessly as they made jokes about them fancying each other. Daniel whispered to her that he’d tell her later although he was hoping that he wouldn’t have to talk about it.

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