WDTA~ Oikawa Tooru / Author Note

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Oikawa smoked a bit as he approached Y/n. "Y/n!" He called out. Y/n turned around and smiled a bit as well. "Hi." Y/n replied. "I wanted to talk to you, about maybe hanging out sometime, we haven't hung out in like a month." Oikawa said, laughing a bit awkwardly after. They were boyfriends but haven't gone on a date in a whole month, Y/n just has been busy with his own stuff, at least that's what Oikawa was told by Y/n. "Ah, actually I have some things to do this week." Y/n said looking to the side, trying to find an excuse. "Oh.." Oikawa sighed. Maybe another time, we have to be positive, was what Oikawa would've liked to have thought. But he kind of just turned around quickly, tears flowing down his face, his stepping pace was fast as he headed home, alone, again.

Oikawa sighed frustrated, he tapped Y/n on the shoulder at school, and dragged him to a private area, finally fed up with his shit. "Okay Y/n what's going on?! You've been avoiding me and we haven't went on a date in two months and you leave me on read all the damn time. Heck if I went missing you wouldn't notice. What's going on?" Oikawa said in a quick blur of anger. Y/n bit his lip and looked down a bit. "Listen.. I was lying when I said I was busy." Y/n started. "No shit." Oikawa rolled his eyes. "I'm in love with Kageyama and I just couldn't tell you I'm sorry for leading you on or something.. I really am sorry." Y/n said sound a little guilty, but not as guilty as Oikawa would've liked. Oikawa felt his chest tighten, and just let go of the tears at this point and cried. "You mean, that you lied to me these past few months?! How could you?!" Oikawa yelled and pushed Y/n on the wall and pinned him. "I loved you and you just let me fall like a fool. Oikawa Tooru is no fool, especially not for people like you." Oikawa said before walking off quickly, wiping his tears away.

Oikawa opened his eyes only to be blinded by a white light, he closed his eyes and groaned in pain. He opened his eyes after a while longer, immediately looking around only to find out he was in a hospital room, no one in sight. He sighed. Of course no one would be here. Suddenly the door opened and Iwaizumi walked in. "You're awake!" Iwaizumi said sounding relieved. "How long have I been out?" Oikawa asked in a raspy voice. "3 days? You hit your head really hard. You scared me ya know." Iwaizumi said, chuckling lightly. Oikawa smiled mischievously. "What? Scared you weren't going to be able to confess to me if I never woke up?" Oikawa then began snickering, but stopped Iwaizumi gave him a very serious look. "Wait you can't be serious?" Oikawa said questioning his best friend. Iwaizumi just nodded. Oikawa smiled a bit. This, this was what he needed to help him heal. Iwaizumi. Oikawa finally had a chance at happiness. He smiled at that thought. "Happiness.." Oikawa whispered under his breath and gave Iwaizumi a huge grin. "So when's our first date?"

Oikawa and Iwaizumi have been dating for a total of three months now. They've been on many mini adventures ranging from walks in the park, theme parks and crazy antics at fancy restaurants. Oikawa was really happy, and he could very much see that Iwaizumi was happy as well. There was nothing better than him at the moment, at least until he heard a ding come from his phone. "Must be Iwa." Oikawa hummed as he picked up his phone, he gasped as he read the name of the messenger. "Y/n" Oikawa clutched his phone tightly before reading the message. 'Hey could we maybe meet up, catch up?' Was all the message said. Oikawa hesitated, debating whether he should say yes or block him. He paced around his house for a moment, thinking about all the cons that could happen, in the end Oikawa said "YOLO." Before sending Y/n a message back. 'Sure, where?' A ding came from his phone once again a few moments after. 'Cafe on main, today at 7'

Oikawa opened his eyes, sitting up in his bed.. but it wasn't his bed. He looked around, squinting, laying right beside him was no other than Y/n, a very naked Y/n at that. That's when Oikawa realized he too was naked. He sighed frustrated and didn't even want to remember what happened last night, but he sure as hell wanted to slap Y/n for ever letting this happen. He wanted to slap himself even more though. He felt like such an idiot, Oikawa has a boyfriend, a wonderful one at that. Y/n has a boyfriend for fuck sake. That's when a Oikawa grabbed his clothes and shook Y/n awake. Y/n shot up immediately. "What the fuck happened last night." He looked at Oikawa like he was the guilty one. "Don't ask me, I was about to ask you." Oikawa sighed. He stood up and walked to the wall angrily, and punched right through it. "WHAT THE HECK ARE YOU DOING?" Y/n yelled at him. "IM FUCKING PISSED. YOU MESSAGE ME AND THE NEXT THING I KNOW IM IN YOUR BED FUCKING NAKED, I HAVE A BOYFRIEND, WHO I LOVE, And he loves me.." Oikawa yelled, breaking into tears at the end. "FUCK!" He said and punched into the exact same hole he made in the wall just a moment ago. "WHY THE FUCK WOULD YOU LET THIS HAPPEN?!" Oikawa yelled at Y/n. "ME? YOURE THE DESPERATE ONE WHO WOULD CRY ABOUT ME EVERY FUCKING DAY." Y/n retorted. "YOU FUCKING MESSAGED ME YESTERDAY ASKING TO MEET UP, A YEAR AFTER YOU SAID YOU DIDNT LOVE ME." Oikawa yelled, taking a few steps towards Y/n. "I fucking despise you Y/n L/n. You're such a dick. Can't believe I fucked you." Oikawa sighed, beginning to walk out. "Fuck you Oikawa Tooru. You're the dick here, making yourself the victim here. We both don't remember what happened and you start pointing fingers, such a crybaby." Y/n said, the anger in the room only rising. "Whatever." Oikawa said as he walked out, slamming the apartment door.

Oikawa sat on his bed alone, sobbing. He told Iwaizumi the truth. Iwaizumi understood, but asked to take a break. So now Oikawa felt the crushing feeling of loneliness. It felt awful. He fucked his ex, and pretty much got dumped by the only person who made him happy. Life is so stupid sometimes. Oikawa really just hated himself at this time. He curled up and continued to cry. "I'm such an idiot." That night he got a call from Y/n..

Oikawa smiled as he tightened his tie. Today was the big day. He looked at himself in the mirror, straightening his suit out. He was proud, he made it so far in life. He was the owner of a big company, had two beautiful kids, and a good house. He never thought this day would've come, after his long and hard struggle, he made it, he did it. He fist pumped and danced out of his changing room. Today, was Oikawa's wedding day, he was going to marry the love of his life, his soulmate. No one could compare to this beautiful person. He took his position at the pew, waiting for the moment his husband would walk out of the other door of the chapel, his heart beat began to quicken, his face grew red as he heard the song start to play and the door open, it's as if everything was in slow motion as his soulmate walked out of that door. It was none other than...

Blooming~ Yaoi Oneshits || Male character x Male ReaderOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora