Executing The Plan (NOW!)

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Shunsui: Wait we are just going to do it now?

Y/N: Yes now!


Y/N: What's going to happen first is that I break Uryu and Rukia out of the prison. After that Renji and Aizen will bring the both of them to a safe area.


Shunsui: But Aizen is dead!

Y/N: So you get Uryu out of there!

Shunsui: And Renji?

Y/N: He'll know what's going on as soon as I cause a ruckus in the area.

On the other side of Seireitei

Toshiro: Now that Aizen is dead the plan will probably change.

Hinamori: They'll probably tell us the changes tonight.

Tosen: But if someone killed Aizen it means we either have a rat in the group or someone heard our meeting.

Renji: Which means that if they hold a meeting then we are likely going to be ambushed when we execute the plan!

A huge explosion came out of nowhere on the other side of Seireitei, all of the soul reapers looked at it.

Renji: Looks like they're executing the plan now.

Back to Y/N

Y/N: Bloody soul reapers!

Y/N tossed a soul reaper off his back and belly flopped onto the one on his chest.

Y/N: Put some ice on that one.

With Yoruichi

Yoruichi: Looks like they're executing the plan now. Ichigo, Chad! You two get over there! Orihime, heal them when necessary!

Orihime: What about you?

Yoruichi: I still haven't done my half of the plan! I need to do it now or the odds will be against us!

With Y/N

Y/N: I don't know why but I really feel like saying never tell me the odds.

With Ichigo

Ichigo: We need to make sure  Rukia and Uryu get out of there alright! I'll fight Byakuya while you protect Renji and whoever is taking Uryu!

Chad: Got it.

With Uryu

Guard: What the fuck is going?!

Guard 2: The Ryoka are coming! 

Renji: Hey do you two mind opening the door?

Guard: Sure. Anything for a lieutenant!

Byakuya: Halt! He's working with the Ryoka! Stop him!

Renji quickly knocked out the two guards before they can attack him. He turned to Byakuya.

Renji: So... are you the one that ratted us out?

Byakuya: I don't know what you're talking about Renji but I'll beat it out of you.

Byakuya brought out his zanpakuto, preparing to battle against Renji.

Renji: I'm not fighting you.

Byakuya: Then who is?

Ichigo: ME!

Ichigo charged at Byakuya, shoving him to another area where the two can battle without interruption.

Shunsui: Quincy! We are here to help you.

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