part 2

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Serena, no matter what i had just done, she seemed determined to get me as far away as possible from Wandering's. Her house was located around 50 kilometres away, but the way she drove that morning, we were home within then minutes of our departure. We hadn't spoken to each other the whole trip, but i knew she still loved me when she grabbed my palm and locked hers with mine.

As we pulled into her drive way, she cut the engine and yanked me inside her mansion of a home. still pulling me, my arm half out of its socket, she stuffed me under a cold shower and made sure any trace of blood disapeared down the drain, not giving me a moment to be embarrised. While i was quickly scrubbing myself down, i made a decision on what i didn't want to happen. I didn't want or feel any need to turn myself in, so i decided to run. I was getting out of wanderings and i was getting out today. i allowed serena to dress me into unstained clothes and she passed me a hairbrush. While i was dealing with the knots in my hair, serena made her war outside onto her lawn and burnt my blook soaked clothes, destroying any further evidence of what had just occured little over 30 minutes ago.

She finally came back into the room and spoke to me:

" what in god's bloody name just happened before my eyes Amara?"

these were the only words i allowed her to get out before i explained everything i could answer. My thoughts, feelings, rage, anger, resentment, decisions. But i could not explain to her how i had somehow managed to beat my ex boyfriend to death. i had no answer for that yet. I expected her to run away, call the cops, kick me out of her home and disown me forever - but instead, my best friend strolled casually over and gave me a long embrase, whisphering sweet words of sympathy into my ear, reassuring me that every thing would turn out alright. That i was safe with her.

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