The Last Fall

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"No! Please...stay with me" I whispered at her side as I caressed her forehead bringing her head on my lap carefully.

"I-I'm s-sorry (cough) Tak..." With that she closed her eyes. Only to never open them again. With that I lost my last family member to death.

And I could do nothing for my mother.

I kissed her cold ivory cheeks that always had a rosy blush on them. Now stained in blood and dirt.

I gently carried and buried her near a burned house. There was no water to even clean her stained face.

I looked around only to be greeted by the deserted debris and ............death bodies. And some turned into skeletons.

The stench do not bother me anymore as it's been a daily experience.

I let out a scream.

I regret not be able help my family.
I regret being helpless.

I regret using plastics at random.
I regret not listening to the warnings.

There are nothing left except regrets!

Words will not be enough to describe this regret!

When you realize you could've prevented it........

When you realize....... just one chance please! I will fix everything!............

But that chance you'll never get....

And with nothing you could find to console yourself is left!

Except pains and regrets........

Had we listen to the warnings and materialised even 1%!

People would not have died.

All the waterbody wouldn't been polluted.

The ordinary people couldn't find water to drink. Not even through boiling, filtering.

It was that much polluted.

The rich people purified their own urine using higher technology. But how long they would have survived without eating anything?

Because while they were keeping themselves hydrated with their maximum potential other species couldn't find the water they needed.

They couldn't be saved.

Scarcity of water led to extinction of almost every plants and living being.

Can you imagine people trying to find food or at least rotten fishes like maniac amongst plastic trashes?

Of course hunger and survival instinct will led you do that.

I can't be bothered more about it. I know I don't have time. I don't have a way even to save myself.

All the hope have died with the water bodies.

It all started with the humans. Humans who were unaware. And ignored those who asked them to be beware.


One led to another gradually.....

Humans have a tendency to kill, murder anyone who come in the way to their survival.

Even it's a hope to survive..........

They started a war......

And now......

Another round of deaths.....

The death of millions due to the third world war. The war over the last drinkable water body. The war over the the last fall.

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