Chapter 18: Closure and telling

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Chapter 18

I don't really know what to do. We are going to Mackenzie's funeral.

Mackenzie's family can finally have the funeral and finally will be able to get closure.

But how can I go to that funeral? Look her family I'm the eyes and still pretending that I'm only the boy who moved in to their house with his family?

Jake is depressed. He don't leave his room. And now I'm not talking about these teenage depressions because they feel like their life sucks, no I mean a real depression where you turn into a shell and ignore the world around you. He has to eat medicine for his depression.

I still feel like I did this to my friend, although it's not true. It's his father. He's the core to all misery in his family and six other families. But now he is behind bars and won't come out.

I tie my my tie and when I'm done it knocks on my door.

"Honey are you ready?" Mom asks.

"Yeah", I say and walk past her out of my room.

"How's Iza?" Mom asks.

"Good", I say. "Considering the situation".

"Yeah this must be hard on the whole family", mom says as we come down to the others.

"It is", I say.

The twins has suits a lot like mine. Now they're identical and people outside our family wouldn't be able to tell them apart. Jocelyn has a small black tutu dress and her hair is up in two braids.

My brothers and sister. So innocent. And have almost no idea what happens.

We all walk out to the car.

When we come up to the church I see Iza's family sand by Elliot's family.

As soon as I step out of the car they see me.

"Jaydin!" They both shout and wave for me to to come.

When I walk over there Iza hugs me tight.

She's wearing a black dress which forma after her body. Her red hair is curled and hangs down her shoulders. She's so beautiful.

As Iza still hugs me, Elliot fits bumps me.

"How are you holding up?" I ask.

"Better then Michael and Cameron", he sighs. "But I don't know".

My family joins us and my mother father walks up to Iza and Elliot's parents of course.

As we walk into church we all sit down. We see how the church is filled with people. People who's close with the family, people who new Mackenzie when she was alive. Her old teachers. Everyone she knew.

When everyone is seated we listen to the church bell for a minute.

They play a hymn, a sad one. Some people is already crying.

When the hymn is over, the priest walk up to the coffin that is placed in the front and right in the middle.

"We are gathered here to say goodbye to Mackenzie Alicia Woods and to commit her into the hands of God", he says. "God, our father, we entrust Mackenzie Alicia Woods into your hands".

The priest takes three hand full of earth fall down onto the coffin as he speaks.

"From dust you came, to dust you shall return. Jesus Christ, our Saviour, shall raise you up in the last day".

I zone out a bit and stop listen to the priest. I've never been good at funerals. Never since my uncle died.

"Mackenzie Woods was a young girl who wouldn't have been taken away in this early age. It's been thirty years since the little girl first disappeared and it was left a mystery. Truth always come out though, sooner it later, now, Mackenzie will be able to rest in peace".

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