Chapter 6: Slowly

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Chapter 6

When I come to school the next morning I feel really tired. If feels like I almost died and then came back. I feel like a ghost.

When I'm at my locker Iza comes and unlocks her locker.

"How do you feel?" She asks.

"Like crap", I mumble.

She frowns and picks out her book.

"So why are you here?" She asks.

"Because there's nobody home, and I don't want to be alone, the house is too big, and no I'm not scared, I just don't like it", I say.

"I wouldn't either", she says. "Your house is big and creepy".

I laugh. Yeah it really is creepy actually.

"You've got that right", I say taking out my English book and close the locker lid.

"I couldn't sleep this nigh", Iza yawns when we walk towards English.

"Why not?" I ask.

"Because I was worried about you", she says, looking at me with her big green eyes.

Those eyes just stare into my soul. Do I like her as more then a friend?

Maybe I do. I do know I have strong feelings for her anyway.

"You didn't have to, I'm fine I promise", I say.

"Well you weren't yesterday", she points out.

"I don't know what it was and neither does the doctors, so we can just forget all about it", I say.

"And what if it happens again?" She asks.

"It won't", I say.

That's the last thing I say before we come up to the classroom and I don't want to talk about it so other people hear.

"Well take this later", Iza says because she understands.

That's one thing I love about Iza. She understands. Without even be told a word she understands. It's like she's telepathic or something.

I nod we walk into the classroom.

The lesson goes by really slowly because I just keep thinking about what happened yesterday and how much I don't want it to ever happen again.

Elliot and Jake feels like something is up, but we won't tell them what happened. I know that they'll just think I'm a nut head that should be locked up.

The school day is slower ten it usually is. What is it with time? When you want the school day to end, it don't, and when you don't want the school day to end, it ends. God, this is so irritating!

"What's up with the two of you today?" Jake asks as we sit down at a table to eat our lunch.

"Yeah, you're behaving so odd", Elliot says.

"What? We haven't even said much", Iza says as she plays with her food with help from her fork.

"As I said, behaving odd", Elliot says.

I smirk to myself. Yeah. Iza and I usually talk much.

"Yeah well, I'm just tired today", I say and make a fake yawn.


"Aah!" I groan and put my hands to my ears an try to block out the scream. What the hell?! Not again... My head hurts like crazy.

I see how Iza tries to talk to me, but I can't hear what because of the scream. Suddenly the scream stops and the head ache disappears apart from some pounding.

I take away my hands. They shake.

"Huh?" I ask, looking at Iza.

"How are you?" She asks.

Elliot and Jake looks at me.

"Head ache", I simply say and starts eating the pasta. "But I'm okay".

Elliot and Jake nods and go back to eat their own pasta.

Iza looks at me suspicious and I look at her innocent. She give me one last glance before looking at her pasta and eat it.

God. This just can't keep keep happen in school. If I knew what it was, maybe I could prevent of from happen. But... What is happening?

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