The Motherless

Começar do início

Oh Irk. OhIrkohirkohirkohirk.

"W-Why, of course... You do have a mom, sweetheart...!" Red panicked, unsure of how to answer and trying desperately to find a way out of the topic (or conversation, if it was possible).

One of the scientists approached. "My Tallest, you're needed at-"

"Oh, right! I'll be right there in a second, sorry sweetie, I'lltellyoumoreaboutmamalater okay?Seeya!" With that, Red darted out of the cafeteria, leaving a very puzzled Ilk, scientist and Bob behind.

Once he was sure he was out of Ilk's earshot, Red gave a groan of dismay and frustration. Of all the times she had to ask thatquestion...

What was he supposed to tell her? The only things he knew about the female who birthed Ilk was that her name was Kit, she was a scientist and she died at childbirth. It was pretty common for that to happen since the Irken body was not used to birthing anymore. Usually it could be prevented thanks to the medical technology, but something must have failed for Kit to have died.

Would that be enough to satisfy her curiosity? What if she wanted to know more? How would she react if she learned he only took her in because he didn't have a choice?

This was before, of course! He did love and care for his daughter even if sometimes he had a bit of trouble expressing it. But would Ilk see it that way?

Why did she grow curious just out of sudden? She had never wondered about her mom before, so he never told her about Kit's fate, thinking it wasn't that important. He was starting to regret not researching about that Irkenette when he had the chance; it had been five years since her death and her PAK had probably either been given to another smeet or discarded if it was deemed a Defective.

As he walked into the meeting room, where Purple and many other high-ranking Irkens were awaiting him, the former noted he was worried. "Are you okay, Red?" he asked, taking a slurp from his soda.

"She's finally asked the question."

"You mean the one involving the test tube and the cold, unfeeling robot arm?"

"No. The 'M' question."

That was all Purple needed to know; he glared the other Irkens. "All of you, out."

"B-But My Tallest..."


The crew-members walked out of the meeting room, and once they were alone Purple locked the door so they wouldn't be interrupted. "Okay, you say she's asked the question?"

Red nodded. "Apparently she researched about biology and figured out you need two to make a smeet. Then she got curious and asked me if she had a mom."

"What did you tell her?"

"What do you think?! I couldn't just tell her no!"

"Okay, let's calm down! Did she ask you anything else about her?"

"No, one of the guards came to tell me about the meeting, so that gave me an excuse to go, but what am I going to tell her when she asks next time?!"

"What do you know about the female?"

"Other than what I already told you? Nothing!"

Purple shrugged and took a slurp of soda. "I wouldn't like to be in your shoes."

Red rolled his eyes. "You're the perfect opposite of helpful."


While her father was at the meeting, Ilk decided to resume her investigation regarding her 'female parental unit'.

Clearly she was not on the ship, otherwise she already would have met her or she would have come and say 'hi, honey, i'm your mama'.

The SmeetOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora