"Go home!!" He shouts as we walk into the room "I don't want to be reminded of that time!, Such a miserable feeling, I don't want to eperience something like that ever again"

"Well deal with it Riser, life is all about defeat. We learn from our defeats so it doesn't happen again" I tell him "Your being a cry baby because you loss once in your whole life. Your lucky you've won all your life until I came along because my life wasn't that way"

"(Y/n)..." Rias says to me, knowing what I'm talking about.

"For crying out loud Riser. Rias took the time to come and see you so stop hiding under your bed covers " Ravel says as she ripped the bed covers off of him.

"L-Leave me alone, Go home!" He shouts.

I walk over to the bed and grab the collar of his pajamas "You listen to me good Riser, your acting like a little bitch who deserves to be treated like a bitch!"

"G-Get your hands off me!" He shouts.

"If you don't get dressed and leave this room. I'll go full on Juggernaut Drive on you" I tell him then let go of his collar. He stares at me petrified "C'mon, Move it!, we don't got all day!!"

Riser nods quickly before zooming out of his bed and into his closet. I look at Ravel and Rias and they just looked at me with wide eyes "Did I go too far?" I ask and they both shake their heads.

"I want to thank you again for helping me with Riser" Ravel says.

"It's not a problem Ravel, anything for you" I say to her and she blushes.

"What do you think your saying to my sister!!!" I hear Riser shout.

"Nothing for you to worry about. What you should worry about is what I'll do to you if you don't hurry the fuck up!!" I shout back. We hear him make a high pitch gasp before rustling through the things in his closet.

"Please don't be too hard on him" Rias says.

"I'll try my best" I say.

I walked out of Riser's room and went to get the things I brought for my plan to help Riser gain some fortitude. After about 10 minutes later I was out side with my stuff while Riser talked to himself as he sat in the edge of his fountian of fire.

"So what's your plan?" Rias asks me.

"My plan should be here any minute now" I say as I finished up with my bag "I really blew Riser's fire out didn't I?"

"You did, a fire that's said to be immortal at that" Ravel says.

"It's been a while since I've seen you guys" We hear old man Tannin day as he flies over us.

"Thanks for coming Tannin" I say.


iser falls off the fountain and pushed his back against it "Ta-Ta-Ta-Ta-Tannin!. The ultimate class devil and legendary dragon!" Riser says, scared shitless.

Tannin lands in front of Riser, damaging the ground while landing. Tannin had his arms crossed as he looked at the scared Riser Phenex.

"Riser Phenex, I used to watch you with great interstate because I thought you were a promising king. However, just looking at you now, you clearly have a serious problem" Tannin says to Riser.

High School DXD: Chaos ( X Male Reader)जहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें