5. Grievances

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"Rebellion flamed up in his soul as the dark hours passed by, not because he had no future but because he had no past

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"Rebellion flamed up in his soul as the dark hours passed by, not because he had no future but because he had no past. "


"W-who's in there?"

The happy aura that surrounded him was gone the minute he stepped in his own house. The red haired shivering boy felt the eeriness that crept up his back as he maneuvered his way inside. He left his door open, just in case things get bad and he could make a run for it.


Hoseok's  warm almond eyes widened in alarm as all his movements came to a halt. There was a moment of hesitation when he finally gathered the courage and looked behind him. But fortunately there was no one dangerous, not a single soul in sight. Perhaps the door shut close on it's own because of the wind.

Or so he had thought.

His relaxed shoulders tensed up immediately after he heard faint footsteps in the hall he shared with Jimin. Looking everywhere frantically he grimaced at the only weapon he could lay hands on, his best friend's useless baseball bat. Maybe this was it's purpose from the very beginning, Hoseok thanked God he didn't throw it away in the garbage last week. Positioning himself as though he was sure to hit a home run, Hoseok tip toed towards the hall. He caught his shivering self in a nearby mirror when he stepped inside the hall. He mentally scolded himself, This is your chance Hoseok! you're can't be scared. Man up you're taking down evil! Just then he heard the footsteps again, they were agonisingly slow and menacing. It felt as if the footsteps were circling around him, taunting him.

Hoseok didn't waste a single minute. With the bat held higher in the air, the red head shut his eyes tight and swung it forward with full force. The scared comic illustrator used so much force that he lost balance over his own body and tripped over his own feet. He knew the moment he slipped, that this is it. This is how Jung Hoseok is going to die. In his own hall. With a baseball bat.

But while he was having such morbid thoughts he didn't realise that in fact he had landed on a rock hard chest that he had mistaken for his floor.

Wait..I'm alive?

What? why is my floor groaning?

A desperate yell of agony left his mouth the minute his eyes finally adjusted to the darkness and found the handsome face under him contorted in pain. Hoseok's honey skin went completely pale with horror, he couldn't move his eyes away. He found himself staring unabashedly at the same annoyingly handsome politician who kept knocking on the windows of his mind since last week.

𝐐𝐮𝐫𝐛𝐚𝐚𝐭; kth + jhs✅Where stories live. Discover now