fifteen; so who survived?

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Thomas gasped for air, his hands falling to the ground in front of him as he was suddenly thrown onto the dark red earth of the soul world.

He looked around wildly at his surroundings. The ground was covered in a red and brown dirt that was getting moved every way by the wind that flew through the air.

The sky wasn't visible due to a low lying heavy fog blocking his vision. He assumed the sky was orange or red based on his surroundings.

"Maybe if I got high enough I'd be able to see over the fog." Thomas thought.

He pushed himself up and brushed off his hands on his knees, the dust flying off and into the air.

He walked in the same direction for what felt like forever but in reality was probably only thirty minutes.

After another few hours of walking he saw a tall figure up ahead. Gasping, he started to jog towards them while trying not to cough up a lung.

The heavy air was making it difficult to breathe.

He reached the figure and collapsed onto his knees in front of it, panting heavily and feeling his chest rumble with every breath he took.

Once he managed to calm down Thomas looked around him. He was crouched on the steps of what looked like a temple.

He crawled up the few steps until he reached the platform. Of course he couldn't see over the fog just yet, but he had walked a long ways and felt he deserved to rest- even if it was only a few seconds.

Thomas stood up and looked around.

The small platform was surrounded by for tall poles with platforms going up to ten stories high.

With a heavy sigh he started to climb one of the poles up to the second platform.

From there he could see somewhat over the fog, but it was still a long ways to go for him to see completely over it.

When he finally got to the fifth platform his breathing was jagged once again and sweat was dripping off of his forehead in droplets.

He stuck his foot on the edge and swung himself over to stand up on it. Once he was stable he looked around his surroundings with a squinted gaze.

The sky was red and the sun was a bright orange. Compared to earth, the sun was bigger which meant that wherever he was sent it wasn't earth.

What really caught his attention were the towers stuck out of the ground that formed one giant circle around the flat land.

At the center of all the towers was a small light that was barely visible through the fog but was definitely not visible from the ground which meant it had to be pretty high up or just very dim and he had surprisingly good vision.

He decided the best option would be to go to the middle where hopefully there would be others.

Another sixty minute trek later and he had finally reached the tower. Just like he thought, a few platforms up was a light floating in the middle as a beacon.

Unfortunately he was alone. It seemed no one else had had the same idea to go to the middle, or they didn't find the towers in the first place.

It was a shot in the dark to assume that anyone else would show up at the tower.

Natalie spun around quickly once she materialized in the soul world, realizing that she wasn't in the Wakandan forest anymore.

She sighed loudly, eyeing the fog that surrounded her distastefully. I should look for the others. She thought immediately.

She started walking in the general direction of where the sun was shining through the fog, figuring that was her best option to find them.

Hours later she saw a tall figure in the fog that went up so far she couldn't see it. Running towards it, she froze a few feet away when she saw a figure sat down on the stairs leading up to the platform.

"Thomas?" She called. His head spun around and he shot up from his seat. He nearly tackled her to the floor as he wrapped his arms around her tightly.

She cried out into his shoulder. "I thought I was going to end up being alone in here." She said quietly.

"Me too, Natalie. Me too." He said just as quietly.

Peter appeared flat on his back in the dirt, tears still materialized on his face despite the pain that was no longer there.

"Oh god." He sighed. "Mr Stark is gonna kill me."

He pushed himself off of the ground when he heard a thud from behind him. Strange groaned slightly and stood up with his back facing Peter.

"Mr Strange?" Peter questioned.

Strange spun around when he saw him. "Kid." He said, slightly relieved.

"What's going on?" Peter asked.

Strange sighed. "We're in the endgame now."

Bucky looked around in confusion at his surroundings.

"Steve? Sam?" He called, turning his head to stare at the empty space next to him.

Suddenly the dust on the ground started to swirl together making something, first the feet, then the body, and finally the face.


Wanda gasped for air as she appeared in the world. Tears were still falling from her eyes and her chest ached.

"Vis?" She asked, sobbing. "Vision?"

"He's not here." A tiny voice spoke from behind. Wanda spun around and saw a little girl with green skin and two long black and purple braids.

"Who are you?"

"I'm Gamora. Come on, the others are waiting." She grabbed Wanda's hand and started walking towards a looming figure in the sky.

When Thomas and Natalie saw others coming they were ecstatic and started yelling to gain their attention.

A few hours later and mostly all of them were sitting on the platform or it's steps.

"Who's all left?" Peter asked.

"Wanda disintegrated, I saw her. She's the only one left that I know of." T'Challa spoke.

"So who survived?" Bucky questioned.

"Steve, Natasha, Bruce, Thor, Andrew, Katherine, Y/n, Tony, Rhodey, Shuri, Rocket, and Okoye." Stephen listed off.

"So they're gonna be the ones to help us?" Natalie asked.

"Hopefully. Either they figure out where we are or they find Thanos and get us out that way." Stephen explained.

"Or we don't get out." Wanda spoke as she approached the group with Gamora in tow.

"Why do you say that?" Thomas asked.

"There's a possibility that they don't figure it out, or Thanos defeats them again." Wanda leaned against a pillar while young Gamora walked around before disappearing behind a pillar.

"We have to have hope, Wanda." Sam piped up.

"That's what I had before and look where that got me." She scoffed slightly.

Some sent her sympathetic looks as they could see she was hurting. Everyone was.

"Everything will work out. For everybody."

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