Chapter 21: Beautiful

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"Of course I'm sure. Now cheer up and smile, you're getting married to Taehyung." Hoseok enthusiastically says and Jeongguk feels confident all of the sudden.

"I can't believe you're an Alpha, a crown prince and our future king. Right now, you were a little baby." Daniel says and others laugh, making Jeongguk glare at him.

"Oh shut up." Jeongguk utters and rolls his eyes.

"Let's go get the Queen." Yugyeom yells and now Jeongguk laughs as well.


In the ballroom, the red carpet has been laid from the enterence upto the three stairs where the vows were to be taken. Velvety red curtains hung in folds, covering half the windows. The  chandelier providing the perfect illumination needed.

Jihyun, Jaehwan stood down the stairs on the left, arms locked as they waited for Jeongguk.

^Jihyun---my favourite Korean actress

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^Jihyun---my favourite Korean actress.

Namjoon, Seokjin and Yoongi stood on the left side giving off the royalty look that they are.

Namjoon, Seokjin and Yoongi stood on the left side giving off the royalty look that they are

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