Full Blood Prince

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Harry lay in his bed staring up at the ceiling, the dark room consumed all his thoughts. 12 Grimmauld Place was filled with people but yet, it has never been quieter, almost eerie. Ron was fast asleep in the bed right next to him, for once not snoring. Harry had gotten to headquarters just that evening. He longed to see Lupin all summer. The Order has been shutting him out all summer long, he had only hoped there was no news at all. The Dursley's made it loud and clear that Harry had received no mail at all. He always thought that was strange, considering Hermione had previously wrote to him weekly.

    The thoughts of going back to Hogwarts set him on edge. Dumbledore had avoided all of his letters Harry had written to him.

"No news could not be good news," he thought to himself. His thoughts jumbled around in his brain as it slowly tired him out, forcing his eyes shut.


    As the sun peeked through the window, Hermione's eyes slowly opened. As she sat up she scratched her eyes to find an empty bed next to her. Ginny was always up before Hermione, due to the fact Hermione was up all night getting a step ahead in her reading. As she rolled out of bed a book fell off the foot of her bed hitting the floor with a thud. She bent over to pick it up and examined the cover, "A Journey Through a History of Magic." She had smiled and plopped it back on her bed.

She turned to open the bedroom door, but before she opened the door all the way she heard Mr. and Mrs. Weasley quietly bickering about something in the hallway.

"This is not right," Mr. Weasley tried to comfort her, but Mrs. Weasley had her mind made up it seemed.

"Arthur, he is just a boy!" She whispered but if she was any louder, she'd be yelling.

She tried to listen the their conversation by leaning towards the door, until there was a small creaking noise coming from the floor. Mrs. Weasley shot a glance at Hermione and smiled, "Hermione, dear," she walked towards her to give her a hug, "hurry now, your breakfast will get cold." she put a hand on the square of Hermione's back and the other directed her downstairs.

She made her way down the stairs, her bare feet chilled at each step. As she approached the kitchen door, she heard a voice that wasn't quite there yesterday. As she opened the door, she saw Harry, Ron, Ginny, Fred and George sitting at the long table. They all smiled at her as she entered the door.

"Harry!" she grinned and ran to give Harry a hug. Before he had a chance to get his arms around her, her arms already wrapped around his neck, spilling some of his pumpkin juice on his lap.

"Blimey, Hermione!" he laughed and set his glass down.

"Harry, now we were sure to write it's just tha-" Hermione began as she looked down at her feet, but Fred quickly cut her off.

"Hermione." he nodded at her.

"What's going on?" Harry raised an eyebrow at Fred, quickly glancing towards Hermione, until Lupin came barging through the kitchen door arguing with Tonks.

Ron cleared his throat loud enough to get their attention.

"Lupin!" Harry jumped out of his chair and ran to give him a hug.

"Harry, how are you?" He asked, embracing Harry's hug. Harry pulled back to examine Lupin. He looked lively, his eyes sparkled, while his face looked like it was filling out, rather than looking drained for once.

"Okay, everyone sit, this is important." Lupin said nearly worried. Mr. and Mrs. Weasley snuck into the kitchen without a word. Before Lupin could get in another word, the front door slowly opened and closed. All their eyes stared at the kitchen door. Harry, Ron and Hermione all exchanged looks as Snape walked through the entrance.

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