The tanned being smiled broadly.

  “Well said, friend.”  He replied, his voice smooth and unfettered in its soft locution.  Then the smile vanished.  “Now to the reason we’ve erected a warding field to prevent any eavesdropping. Not to put too fine a point on it, the Pax needs Humanity’s assistance in finding an ancient talisman of great power and value, lost millennia ago.  For that assistance, we are authorized to extend an invitation to Humanity to join the Pax and the thousands of worlds it has dominion over.”

     Finn almost couldn’t help the astonished step back he made, Vaughn gasping out loud beside him.  Membership in a massive union of planets in exchange for their help finding some ancient artifact?  Could the aliens have come up with a better offer to a struggling Human Race?  More than likely not!

  “We’ll have to examine the conditions and details of this invitation, of course.”  He began, fighting to keep the excitement from his voice.  “But, at first blush, it sounds like an offer too good to resist.”

     Deks smiled once again, the relief obvious on his face and in his voice, if his emotional responses were anything like a human’s.

  “We had hoped you’d feel that way.”  He replied.  “Of course the final negotiations will take place between full diplomatic teams at the Directorate’s convenience.  In the meanwhile the search for the talisman must began immediately.  A great deal rests on the discovery of its resting place.”  He turned to gesture at the knot of beings still in their full suits behind him.

  “These individuals make up the Isivir team assigned by the Pax for the mission, experts all in a variety of fields deemed necessary for the successful completion of this task.”  Deks turned back to them.  “Just as I’m sure you two are experts in the fields you were selected for.  But I’m curious; we expected a somewhat larger team to greet us.  Are you just an advance party for them?”

     Finn’s smile was thin.

  “Uh, no, actually.”  He rasped.  “Colonel Vaughn and myself are it.  We’re the liaison team.”

     A sculpted eyebrow slowly rose in astonishment.

  “You’re meeting the Pax for the first time with only the two of you?  I don’t understand.  Either you’re in possession of some remarkable talents and abilities or your Directorate seeks to mock the Pax in some fashion.”

  “Of course no disrespect to the Pax was intended, Mr. Rountree.”  Finn hastily reassured the Pax spokesperson.  “Only caution.  Without going into great detail, the Directorate’s position on our home world is tenuous.  They didn’t wish to further exacerbate it by introducing an uncertain variable in the form of the Pax and its existence.”

     Deks frowned, nonplussed.  The tall blonde man standing by the door, however, wasn’t so put off.  He nodded in understanding as he stepped past Finn and Vaughn to join Deks close to the lounge’s center.

  “Our operatives on Earth have reported this uprising you make mention of, friend.”  He said, his voice a velvety baritone that caressed the ears.  “Poverty, overcrowding and dwindling resources have fomented rebellion against your Directorate.  Your military now fights several battles against rebels and terrorists across your home system.”

  “You have operatives on Earth?”  That from Vaughn, finally finding her voice in learning the Pax had an established presence on Earth.

     The blonde man turned his almost too-big eyes onto the lean marine officer.

  “Do you not attempt to insert operatives into nations outside of your own, regardless of whether they are allies or enemies?”  He countered with no hint of apology in his voice.

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