Chapter 1, episode 1: into the fate aventure

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( welcome ladies and gentlemen! Today Is the first chapter and yes i kinda by mistake make another one XD, because kinda Split it between this chapter and the other one..)

Deadpool: (and the other one with uptades and información for next episode and also free chimichangas for everybody!)

( Oí! How did you get here Deadpool!?)

( Deadpool: fourth wall)

( ....enjoy the show!)

- a boy with Crimson long hair with red eyes arrive at His house, turns on His Smartphone playing Fgo And later watch both hyperdimension neptunia and any Fate series-


Ah nothing than the both favorite series un one ^^, day i wish Wanna help others like my idol Shirou emiya

He smiles a bit until a glowing light shines in front of him and an unknow female voice begin yo talk


Axel: huh?!

???: - i beg of

- when it happen a portal appear but kinda weak for few minutes-

Axel: !! I cant just leave it, i got have save this misterious voice even if kinda sounds weak and maybe an Ambush

- he grabs His stuffs and enters it die hard style and the portal close-

( Opening theme)

( Theme ended)


Axel: nnmm...uhh i forgot every Time - slowly he gets up and looks around the place un shock state- wh-whaaaaaaaaaaaaat!!? Don't tell i end it up this like dumpster grave yard?!

Nope scratch that: FLOOTING ISLAND dumbster graveyard

- Axel with a sigh begin yo find first a weapon and realise His right hand hast a simbol Mark-

Huh? When did i have a tattoo? Meh - ignores it and finds at least a low Rank dagger and grabs it-'s better than bare handed

- he then later begin to look around while holding a dagger-

???: !! Asassin?! ???be careful!

Axel: huh? What??

???: Roger! Comence battle!- ??? Tackles Axel using a shield -

Axel: oof!- crash down on the ground and looks at them- wowowowow!! Hold up a minute I'm not enemie! I swear! Just who are ya?....wait...shield? 0.0 oh don't tell me...- ahem- uhm who are ya...ladies?

Gudako: oh! Gomene ^^" ejeje and names gudako

Gudako: oh! Gomene ^^" ejeje and names gudako

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Servant shielder, mash

Servant shielder, mash

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