Don't bind so much.. (FtM!Brett)

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- Alright, bye guys, just remember: keep practicing! Eddy told the camera, miming someone playing the violin.

After he turned the camera off, Brett groaned and started stretching his back. He did a couple of exercises before exhaustedly falling onto the studio sofa. He ran his hand through his hair and sighed. Shortly after finishing cleaning up the recording material, Eddy joined him. He placed a hand on his shoulder. He knew his boyfriend often binded for too many hours at once and this was probably one of those days.

- How long have you been binding today?, he asked.

- Ugh.. Since I woke up..

Chen shook his head and placed himself in front of his partner. He reached under his shirt and pulled it off, leaving Yang in just a binder. It looked like a normal shirt, but the binding part was dissimulated under it and you had to close it to compress your chest. The taller violinist slid his hands under the binder and unclipped the material that was pressing against the shorter boy's skin, leaving his natural chest out.

- Jesus, I really need this surgery, he whined.

Eddy looked at Brett, picking his chin up so he could stare in his eyes.

- You'll get it someday soon, he reassured him. Don't worry about it.

He placed a gentle kiss on his forehead and sat back down next to him.

- You want a massage?, he asked.

Yang shyly nodded and turned himself so his back was closest to Chen. He stretched one more time before the other gently placed his hands on his shoulders, starting the massage. He concentrated on the back of his shoulders and his upper back, trying to unlock any nerves that could've been stuck. Brett moaned at some moments, indicating that Eddy was doing a good job. In that case, he would continue in that same spot until his partner felt better, before continuing.

- Brett, I'm saying this because I love you. You need to bind less. I know you feel dysphoric, and it must be terrible. But I want you to stay alive and in one piece, he laughed.

The shorter violinist giggled along and threw his head back so it would fall onto the taller boy's lap. He heard an "Ouch", which made him laugh harder. He reached up with one of his hands to trace his boyfriend's jawline. His beautiful boyfriend's magnificent jawline. Brett sat up, except this time he sat on Eddy's lap. Their faces were centimeters away, and so they closed the gap with a pure, gentle kiss.

- Eddy, I'm so lucky to have you. I love you.

- I love you too, Brett.

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