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Carisi's P.O.V:

I set Amanda's belongings down by the inside of the door and turn the living room lights on. I show her around my apartment so she knows where everything is.

"Hey Carisi, is it okay if I have a shower?" Amanda asks.

"Yeah of course, you don't have to ask. I'll take your stuff up to the spare room." I say, smiling.

She nods and grabs her stuff as I lead her to the bathroom. I make a quick detour to my bedroom to grab a few towels and hand them to her.

"I'll be in the living room if you need anything, okay?"

"Yeah thanks Carisi."

I leave her to her own devices and go to the kitchen to grab a drink before heading into the living room and putting a random show on to watch while I wait for her to come back out. When the adverts come on the Television I check the clock and realise Amanda has been in the shower for over 30 minutes. As I get up to check on her, I hear a loud thud coming from the bathroom. I set my glass of water on the kitchen counter and rush outside of the bathroom.

"Amanda, are you okay in there?" I ask, becoming increasingly concerned.

"Yeah, I'm fine. Just had to get out of the shower quickly." She explains.

"Why, everything's okay?"

"Yeah, thought I was going to puke again and didn't want to throw up in your shower." She says, laughing slightly.

"Anything I can do to help you or make you feel better?"

"If you give me a minute to get dressed and then maybe bring in some water if that's okay?"

"Yeah of course that's fine, i'll be back in a minute with your water." I say, chuckling.

I head over to the kitchen sink and grab a glass before filling it with some cold water ready to bring it back for Amanda. By the time I get back to the bathroom, she's wearing her pajamas asleep with her head carefully balanced on one arm on top of the toilet seat. I set the glass of water down on the side of the bathtub and carefully reach down and pick her up. Taking her to the spare bedroom, I lay her down and rap her up in the duvet.

"Night Amanda, I love you." I whisper as gentle snores escape her lips.

2 weeks later...

"Amanda, are you almost ready? We need to get going." Carisi calls me from across the living room.

"Yeah, I'm ready to leave." I say, emerging from the spare room.

I get into the passenger seat of the car and Carisi gets into the drivers side and we head off to court. When we get out of the car, Carisi notices how shakey I am.

"You okay?" He asks, noticing how much my legs are shaking.

"Yeah, I'm just anxious."

"You know he isn't getting away with this, right? You and the other girls are going to get justice, Patton will get sentenced."

"I hope you're right."

By the time we arrive outside of the courthouse, my whole body is shaking. Me and Carisi both approach the squad as they await us.

"Hey guys, I'm glad you came." Carisi says, greeting the squad.

"Of course, we are all here to support Amanda." Olivia explains, smiling at me.

We all head into the courtroom and take a seat on the same row. We wait patiently for someone to announce the next case.

"Docket ending 6513, people versus Deputy Chief Patton."

"The people request remand your honour, the defendant is a flight risk to the victims and he had ties enabling him to flee if necessary." Barba explains.

"That's ridiculous your honour, Deputy Chief Patton is a well respected member of the NYPD and has many ties to the community." The defence argues.

I listen closely waiting for the judge to agree on an argument, hoping that he would be imprisoned until further sentencing. Patton turns away and begins to stare at me, I drop my gaze to the floor. Once Olivia sees what he is doing, she moves in front of me so I don't feel him staring at me.

"The defendant is required to wear an ankle bracelet if bail is posted as well as having to surrender his passport. Bail is set at 25000, next case." The Judge announces, banging the gavel.

I sigh knowing that he will be gone for at least a couple hours and as I stand up to leave with the squad, he begins yelling as the bailiffs try to remove him from the courtroom.

"I'll get you Amanda, you are never going to be safe. This will NEVER be over!"

"Order! Order! Get this scumbag out of here!" The judge shouts over the chaos, banging the gavel repeatedly.

I get up and walk out of the courtroom as I need the fresh air. A sudden wave of panic surges through my veins and I begin to feel lightheaded. I lean against one of the walls trying to keep myself up as I watch the squad approach me. I pinch the bridge of my nose hoping that I will clear my head or at the very least, do something.

"Amanda, you alright?"

Everything feels distorted and all I can hear is slurs of words that do not make sense to me.

"'M fine." I explain as I become increasingly dizzy.

My vision becomes a blur of colour and as I move away from the wall, the ground moves beneath me. I fall to the floor and everything begins to fade to black.

These are their stories ~ Amanda RollinsWhere stories live. Discover now