"I love you too mom, bye."

"Bye," I end the call and instantly sigh and place my head in my hands.

"You okay?" I hear Jennie carefully ask while placing her soft hand on my back, rubbing it in soothing circles. The warmth and gentleness of her touch causes my body to soften as I sigh in content. I lift my face from my hands and turn my gaze to her, I smile softly,

"I'm better now." I chuckle, seeing a slight pink tinge begin to grow in her cheeks. She shyly gives me a small smile but soon scowls at me when I begin to pinch her nose,

"Awe cuuuute," I say while using my aeygo. She cringes and pushes my hands away, making it knock over all her gummy bears to the floor, causing her gasp,

"Yah!" She stares at the gummy's in horror. I bit the inside of my cheek, trying to repress my laughter. She slowly turns her head and glares seeing that I instantly failed at holding in my laughter. Just seeing her stare at me in horror as if I have murdered her puppy caused me to errupt in laughter. I lean forword, laughing so hard that my stomach was starting to hurt, I can tell Jennie was also trying not to laugh. Jennie pouts,

"It's not funny," I shut my lips tight and nod,

"You're right," I said seriously. The look of seriousness causes Jennie to break out in a fit of laughter. With that sight, I instantly join her. People started giving us strange looks but we didn't care. For a whole hour of waiting for a flight to be ready, all we did was laugh and joke around like before. It was like the whole drama before never existed, it was as if everything was back to normal. I turn my gaze towards a giggling Jennie and begin to smile wide,

'Well almost everything.'


"Ugh! Finally!" I tiredly groan begin to stretch my limbs. After being in a an airplane for 5 hours we finally arrived to Thailand. I lazily exit the airport with Jennie, but excitement soon surges through my body, at the sight of my mother excitedly waving her hands,

"Lalisa!" I quickly drop all my things and run towards my mother, leaving Jennie to struggle with the rest of our bags.

"Mommy!" I quickly embrace her tightly, refusing to let go and not bothering to wipe the tears that have cascaded down my cheeks.

"I missed you," I whisper. She tightens her arms around me and lovingly whispers back,

"I missed you too baby," she pulls away and grabs my cheeks and scans my features while wiping the tears off my face,

"You get more beautiful each day," I smile wide. It's been so long since I last saw her. I feel my heart ache slightly, remembering the reason why I'm back home. I frown,

"I wish we reunited in better circumstances." I sadly say. She sadly smiles and nods. She leans up and kisses my forehead, she pulls away and meets my eyes,

"Either way I'm happy you're here," She replies. I furrow my eyebrows in confusion, seeing her eyes flicker behind me. She suddenly smirks,

"Shouldn't you be helping your Nini," She teases. I follow her gaze and chuckle at the sight of Jennie strugling in carrying all our bags. I quickly run up to her and smile apologetically,

"Sorry," She shakes her and chuckles,

"Don't worry about it, I would've done the same thing." I smile and begin to carry my bags, I look at her,

"Let's go?" She nods, excitement visible in her eyes to see my mother. We quickly walk towards my mother who was smiling brightly at us,

"Hi sweetie," she says while embracing Jennie tightly. The sight of my mother embracing Jennie was beautiful. It gave me a light feeling in my chest, knowing they also shared a wonderful bond. They pull away and my mom smiles lovingly towards her,

Breaking Point ✔️Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora