Chapter 1

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"And that's a wrap on 'Star Road' Ladies! Well done!"

This has been one of the most fun and exciting experience I ever had! I smile wide at sight of everyone smiling and cheering in excitement. Having to be able to have fun with my band members was simply amazing. I was so nervous when they started rolling, my palms were sweating and my heart was racing, I felt like I was going to pass out! But my fear and nervousness was soon forgotten when I looked at the girls wide smile and the excitement in their eyes. It gave me a warm feeling in my heart. I truly adore them, I feel like we grew closer during this experience.

I chuckle to myself, remembering our vlive tea time experience. Oh, how silly our fans can be, but I am so thankful for them. We wouldn't be where we are today without them. However, I can't shake this feeling that somethings wrong. I gaze around the room smiling softly at all their happy faces, but frown slightly when my gaze lands on Jennie.

Since we wrapped, she has been avoiding my eyes. I tried walking up to her a few times but I would either get called to do something or she would turn around and quickly walk away, leaving me standing there, puzzled by her attitude towards me. But it also made me feel a slight emptiness in my heart, which confused me even more.

'She's probably tired from the shoot,' I thought to myself. I nod at the thought and smile confidently, believing that everything is fine. She's my best friend after all, out of all the girls I find myself being closer to Jennie. I met her first when we were trainees. I laugh softly to myself, remembering how she freaked out when I first entered our dorm. She threw objects that surrounded her at me, yelling for me to get out and that boys aren't allowed in her dorm. She apologized instantly and bought me ice cream as soon as I told her that I was indeed a girl. It was the craziest first experience I had as a trainee, but I wouldn't have had it any other way. After that day, getting ice cream as an apology became our tradition. Just thinking of our first meeting gives me a light sensation in my heart. And I just knew that Nini and I will be okay when we get back home.

Or, so I thought.

As soon as we entered our home, Jennie instanly went to her room, not saying a word to any of us. We all believed that she was tired from the shoot, so we agreed on giving her space. And we were right, because the next day she was back to her happy, smiley self. Although, there was one problem, she wasn't her happy self towards me. Usually, every morning I would greet her with multiple kisses on her soft, slightly chubby cheeks, but when I tried she instantly gave me this cold, hard look and said,

"Not now Lisa," which caused me to freeze in my spot in confusion and slight fear. She's never given me the cold shoulder before. I tried to come up with a reason as to why she was being so cold towards me, but nothing came up. I thought, maybe tomorrow will be a better day and that we would continue our lives as Nini and Lili. Jisoo and Chae would also reassure me that everything will be fine, and I believed them. But they were completely wrong, it's been 5 days and nothing has changed.

During these past 5 days, I've tried everything just for her to talk to me and laugh with me just like before. But, I would either earn a glare from her or short replies from her. She even yelled at me once, saying that I was annoying her and to leave her alone. I as hurt and frutrated by the situation. Most importantly, I was confused as to why I was feeling so empty.

It was night time when I decided to confront Jennie. I was nervously pacing around my room, rehearsing my lines for what I was going to tell her. Feeling confident, I march right out and walk towards her door. I was about to knock on her door when I hear a faint laugh coming from her room. I lean my ear against the room and begin to hear Jisoo and Jennie lauging, causing my heart to ache. I forgot to mention that within these past 5 days, they've gotten closer. Shaking the sad feeling off, I lift my arm up again, ready to knock on her door when I faintly heard my name. I drop my arm once again and lean my ear agaisnt the door,

"Why have you been avoiding Lisa?" Jisoo asks. I feel my heart to race, nervous to hear her reply. I hear her sigh,

"I'm just waiting for this Jenlisa thing to die down." Jisoo slightly scoffs,

"Are you really letting that ruin your friendship with Lisa?" Jisoo asks. Now it was Jennie's turn to scoff,

"I'm just so sick of this Jenlisa ordeal! When will they realize that it isn't real and that it will NEVER happen?!" I feel my heart shatter slightly, causing me to also feel slightly confused as to why I was feeling hurt from her statement. She then continues,

"The idea of Jenlisa makes me so uncomfortable!" Not wanting to hear anymore, I quickly push myself off her door and rush into my bedroom. I slam the door shut and lean against it, trying to steady my heavy breathing. I place my hand on my chest, my eyebrows furrow in confusion when I continue to feel a painful ache in my chest.

"What is happening?" I whisper to myself. I gently push my self off my door and walk towards my bed. I slowly lie down and stare at the ceiling, lost in thought.

'What is this feeling?' I thought to myself. I shake my head and close my eyes, deciding to just sleep this off. Maybe sleep will ease my mind off from this stress.

Little did I know that I was going to have a sleepless night.

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