Chapter 2

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I had no sleep.

Seeing the sunlight seeping through my window, I groan in annoyance and place my pillow on my face to scream in frustration. I slowly remove it off my face and continue to stare at my ceiling, lost in thought.

Through out the night, my mind was filled with many outrageous thoughts. Thoughts that consisted of;

'Why do I feel so hurt?'

'Is she grossed out by the idea of me?'

'Am I disgusting?'

'Why is the idea of us being together such a bad thing?'

I feel my eyes widen and my cheeks heat up when the thought of Jennie and I being together suddenly appeared in my mind. Unexpectedly, I begin to feel a gentle, light feeling in my heart at the idea. I shake my head instantly and slap both of my cheeks, trying to get rid of that ridiculous thought and relax my racing heart. I never really struggle to sleep, but when I do, I usually go to Jennies room where she would always accept me with open arms without hesitation. She would hold me and hum me a song, while playing with my hair until I would fall asleep. I smile softly, thinking about the times, as cliche as it sounds, when we would stay up all night just talking about our dreams and our future for Blackpink.

After hours of fighting my inner thoughts, I slowly find myself dozing off into slumber. But after 15 minutes, I was soon removed from my deep sleep when I heard my loud and obnoxious Unnie repeatedly knocking on my door.

"Lisa-yaahhhh! Breakfast time!" Jisoo says, I groan in annoyance.

"Yah! Go away!" I tiredly yell from behind the door causing her to laugh and continue,

"Fine! No pancakes for you!" I hear her faint footsteps walking away and sigh in relief. I close my eyes again trying to go back to sleep, but the smell of pancakes invaded my nose causing my stomach to grumble in hunger. I dramatically groan and lazily sit up. I walk towards my door and stare at my door handle, debating if I should go outside or not.

'Was I ready to face her after hearing what she said about me last night?' I ask myself. Shaking off my nervousness I gently open the door and lazily walk out towards the kitchen. I enter the kitchen keeping my gaze down, trying to avoid their now curious gazes. I silently grab a plate and a fork and place it on the table. As I sit down and begin to eat I hear Chae say,

"Uh.. Good morning Lisa." I nod as a response and continue to silently eat my breakfast. Jisoo and Rose look at each other, confusion in their eyes. Jisoo then asks,

"Did you sleep well?" I shrug. My body stiffens as I hear Jennie enter the kitchen,

"Morning girls." She smoothly says, while grabbing her own plate for her pancakes. I hear Jisoo and Rose greet her, but knowing that the greeting wasn't intended for me I sadly remain quiet. I hear Chae ask Jennie,

"Did you sleep well unnie?" Jennie smiles and nods,

"Yes I did. Jisoo unnie and I watched a movie until we knocked out." I unconsciously clench my fist at the memory of hearing their laughter all night long. I then feel myself begin to frown, remembering Jennie having a disgusted tone as she was speaking about me. My eyebrows begin to furrow in confusion as I begin to feel a slight pinch in my heart. I was then removed from my trance when Chae begins to speak,

"Lisa?" I impulsively look up at Chae causing her eyes to widen. I hear her gasp, which causes Jisoo and Jennie to stop their conversation and turn towards us. Realizing why, I instantly look down at my plate. I completely forgot about the eyes bags under my sad, tired eyes.

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