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"Please! Put me down!" I laughed as Justin finally put me in the front seat of the range rover.

He ran round the other side quickly and jumped in the car.

"Where are we going?" I asked as Justin started the car.

"Shops to buy you clothes" he stated while begging to drive.

"Ohh yay!" I cheered.

He chuckled and continued driving. I yawned and continued playing with the rips in my jeans until Justin broke the silence.

"It's like a three hour drive so you can have a sleep ash" Justin said understandingly. I nodded and drifted to sleep.


I shifted in the leather seat as I tried to listen to what Justin was saying on the phone.

'Yes, all the walls white with the words. Plus all the furniture should be there soon, yup bye. I'll text you. See ya."

I was really curious on what Justin but was too tired from only just waking up so I tried to forget about it. I shifted again before sitting up properly. I groaned realising I couldn't get comfortable and I had to sit up.

"Hey baby girl" justin smiled.

"Hey, how much further?" I questioned.

"20 minutes?" He questioned himself.

"Mmkay." I said while turing on the radio.

"I LOVE THIS SONG THIS SONG" justin screamed startling me.

"you freaked me out." I giggled. He chuckled and turned the music up.

"AND WE CAN'T STOP, AND WE WON'T STOP. " we screamed loudly laughing.

Sadly the song finished. Justin turned down the radio once The song had finished.

"Um, do I call you Dad or Justin?" I asked awkwardly.

"Ash, you call me whatever your most comfortable with. Justin or dad I don't care. You could call me j-dog and I wouldn't mind." He chuckled.

"Okay, dad." I smiled widely.

Dad smiled widely and continued driving.

Finally after another 10 minutes we got to the mall. It was massive.

"It's empty!" I yelled excitedly.

"I know, I booked it out until 12 tonight." Dad laughed.

"Are you serious?" I giggled.

"Yes of course!" He laughed dragging me in.

I looked around the large shops. Wow. It was massive. I looked at my watch and it read 6:04 pm.

"Dad?" His face lightened when I said that.

"Yes baby girl?" He chuckled.

"You realise it's 6:00 pm that means we will be here for 6 hours." I laughed.

"Yes, but we have to eat and shop, and we might see a movie." He smiled. I nodded and


Dad grabbed my hand and ran towards a shop called "forever 21". I looked around in amazement it was gorgeous. The clothes were amazing.

I grabbed many clothes as dad said we traveled a lot, and I mean a lot. Dad shoved me into the dressing room tossing heaps of clothes over the change room door. I laughed and tried them on.

Finally after an hour we left forever 21, I tried to carry all the bags, there were too many. Then we made it to a shoe store.

"Okay, so what are your favourite sports?" Justin asked grabbing my hand and taking me to the racks of shoes.

"Soccer and surfing". I replied.

"Do you have a board." Justin asked.

"Nah, it snapped" I laughed remembering the memory.

"How'd that happen?" Justin laughed.

"Well my friend Jay and I were Surfing and I nose dived an it snapped against the reef" I laughed.

"That's not good" he laughed. "We will get you a few boards soon baby girl" dad laughed.

"Are you sure? I mean they are pretty expensive. You don't have too." I sighed while picking up some cute Nike shoes.

"It's fine! I'm JB I'll get whatever my girl needs" he laughed while kissing me on the cheek.

"Thanks dad" I smiled.

Dad and I looked around the store until my eyes landed on the cutest pair of soccer boots. They were bright purple with the white Nike tick. After spending ages in that store we headed to get something to eat. After eating maccas we headed to the surf shop.

I looked at the long rows of surfboards they were all so pretty. My eyes scanned the boards and landed on this one board that caught my eye, it was a plain white fibre glass board but the top was floral patterned. I loved it. I think dad noticed because he came went up to one of the workers and pointed towards the boards. Dad and the worker walked over to me.

I whipped my head around as the worker asked "See anything you like?" He questioned.

My eyes nearly popped out of my head. "Alex?" I asked.

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