"And leave you alone with her?" I cut him off quickly and angrily. "No way in hell."

"What's wrong?" He asked again.


"You don't want her to go? Fine."

"What?" I frowned in confusion.

"I'll tell her never mind. She can't go."


"Yes, really. Because if I don't this will somehow bite me in the ass next time we argue. Either how I don't listen, I don't care about your feelings, or I put other people and things before you. None of that is true. Or at least they've never been intentional. You come first, baby girl. That's why my New Year's resolution is to be a better boyfriend."

"Aw!" I squealed, wrapping him up in a tight hug while he complained for me to let him go. But he was smiling so I knew he was enjoying our moment just as much.


Sunday, January 8th
4:00 PM

I was sitting alone at a table in this empty bar with a glass filled with the Shirley temple I ordered. I asked Klaus to stop at this deserted dive bar to use the bathroom and get a drink. But I knew I had been taking my time in here. I was just so irritated.

Cami didn't come with us but in the first hour and a half of the ride she's called three times. All to say she couldn't reach Davina. The last call came about twenty minutes ago and I asked Klaus to pull over to let me out while Cami droned on about not hurting the young witch. I just needed a moment to myself because she was getting under my skin and Klaus' obliviousness was annoying as well. I had no idea how he tolerated her. She was nice and all but the way she was with me was not how she was with him: like she was babying him, trying to take care of him. She wanted to know him and all his secrets. And everything about her wanting to be closer to him made my blood boil.

"Danielle, seriously? 'Wait in the car,' you said. 'I'll be right back,' you said!" Klaus growled out each word as he stormed into the bar. I slurped down my drink, staring at him in disinterest. "Do you not understand the urgency of this endeavor?"

"Yes, I understand your urgency," I said. "I just needed a moment without you and the blonde on the damn phone."

"Love, you're blonde now," Klaus said, his lips quirked up at the sides, ready to smile any second.

"Shut up," I snorted, rolling my eyes. Klaus sighed and pulled my glass out of my hand as he sat down at the table across from me. He took a sip and made a face before sliding it back.

"What's wrong?" He asked.

"You. Cami. Everything."

"I didn't bring her," he argued defensively.

"Yeah but she keeps calling!"

"She's keeping me updated."

"On what?" I scoffed. "How she hasn't reached Davina? It's annoying. She's calling because she wants to talk to you. Not about Davina's whereabouts. But I guess I can't blame her. You're begging for her attention."

Klaus scoffed, offended. "Excuse me?"

"You heard me," I growled, banging my glass on the table and glaring right at him into his cold blue eyes.

"I'm afraid so. I'm not begging for hers or anyone else's attention. So can you stop with this jealous thing you're doing? I have more important—"

"Then leave me here! Go! I won't hold you up or waste your time any further. For all this, you should've never asked me to come. This adventure we are on right now, you wanted to have with another woman. I got the message loud and clear."

I'm All Yours, Klaus (Book 2)Where stories live. Discover now