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Hey everyone, I apologize for not writing or posting anything recently. I lost inspiration for my last two stories and was dealing with college, but now I have gotten back into writing. I wanted to do a story that wasn't so typical, so hopefully this is a unique one - or as unique as it can be! 


I watched the teacher lecture about the beginning of the Civil War but was not listening to a word he said. I was unable to focus; recently it has become increasingly difficult. I glanced over to the student on my left; he was taking extensive notes, his hand racing on his notebook. To think he is the cause of my inability to focus anymore, he clouded my thoughts, my judgment, and the more I try to forget, the harder it becomes. His name was Kyle, black hair, blue eyes, tall, typical jock except actually intelligent. He was probably straight; he had a girlfriend who was the captain of the cheer-leading team, he was faithful, never batting an eye to anyone else, and never showed interest in any guys before meeting Natalie. I wish that were the primary reason I could not ask him out, or possibly date if he was interested, it was all because of that stupid rule. No relationships, ever, no exceptions.

Let me explain, my name is Jake Rivers, and I am a titan, one of the few remaining. Titans are pretty much witches but significantly stronger; even one could out-power roughly five witches. About a century ago, there was a massacre: about 95% of titans were massacred, there was a global hunt for any titan to be slaughtered on the spot, including children. Very few were able to avoid being hunted; it was because they never showed their powers. Titans sometimes subconsciously use magic, even small amounts, but when they use too much, the platinum blonde hair, crystal eyes, and powerful aura will show, making them easy targets. All Titans are born with platinum blonde hair, but everyone has some form of high lights to be able to differentiate one another.

People have learned the signs of a Titan, resulting in us often using strong magic spells to hide our true appearance, a charm. Once we use more than a small amount, the charm wears off. My parents were able to hide until sixteen years ago when I was borne. They were the strongest Titans', but due to the pain of labor, they had to use magic to reduce the pain. The only reason I am alive is due to my current guardians escaping with me before anyone noticed, with my parent's consent. My parents knew the effects would last too long, that they would be noticed, so they told my guardians to escape with me.

Since I was able to walk, I was practicing magic, learning how to control it, and even increase my capabilities and magic amount. Just like witches, Titans have to be emotionally stable at all times, or it will result in them exerting extreme amounts of power. Being emotionally fragile creatures does not help our case at all. This is why Titans have created a rule, no relationships outside of other Titans. They created this because when relationships end, the Titan usually goes on a rampage; this is why that once a Titan dates another Titan, it is practically marriage because they are generally forbidden to break up, or divorce, unless extreme circumstances. Affairs, secret children, etcetera are very rare in the community because of the emotional damage involved, as far as I know.

I am pretty average, 5'10, lean body, and with my charm, brunette hair and brown eyes. I try to maintain normalcy to avoid being noticed, that would make my life more difficult. Although I am a top five student in my class, by choice, people thankfully pay attention to the top three, to be specific, Kyle. He was the best in our class, pair that with being a jock, then you have popularity. Being in the large city of Atlanta Georgia, acquiring and maintaining the top spot in a school is extremely difficult.

My guardians are Stella and Lionel, Stella is the goddess of the stars and Lionel is the god of animals. Most surviving Titans have guardians that are gods or goddesses to be able to protect them better. They defended our predecessors, having just as much knowledge as our parents and grandparents would have. Stella and Lionel educate me every day about Titan history, magic, and everything surrounding Titans. They are a primary reason I can maintain my identity, although it comes at a price: independence and freedom. For obvious reasons, they make sure I only leave the house when necessary and stay out no longer than I have to, resulting in my frustration. Don't get me wrong, they are both fantastic people, but they do this, so I avoid being slaughtered.

I have sensed some other creatures in my school, vampires, griffins, werewolves, giants, and many others, but they often keep their identities a secret and hang out with their own species. I have been taught how to withhold my powers and aura, which means, to them I seem like an ordinary human, which is very popular in our school. Kyle himself is a werewolf, most of the football team is, Natalie is a werewolf as well.

I snapped out of my daydream when I heard the blaring sound of the bell, meaning next period. I picked up my book bag and began to leave the classroom when I heard my name being called. It was Mr. Harrison; I guess he needed to talk to me after class. He was a vampire, that was one reason he was able to give so much information about the Civil War, he was alive and kicking like many of the leeches. "Jake, I understand that you are one of the best students in this institution, but you have to stop daydreaming in class. It is distracting for other students who are trying to learn," he stated sternly. I nodded my head and apologized and was about to leave for my next class before he called me again. "One more thing, do you mind tutoring another student? If so, come back to class when school ends so I can introduce you to him." Once again I nodded my head and began to leave for my next class, I might just do it, it will be fun to interact with people more.

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