"I'll call her right away" Emily's grin grew from ear to ear as she practically jumped from the chair and glided swiftly out of the office to return to her own office down the hall

"Jackie, could you get Ms Luthor on line 1 please" Emily called as she burst through her office doors

National City

Lena woke up, alone, once again in her apartment not far from LCorp. She had spent last night there to create some distance between her and Kara. After news broke across National City, there had been public outrage widespread across the city and protests had begun outside LCorp this morning, so Lena had decided to work from home today. She wasn't sure how she could overcome this, there was a massive blow to stock prices this morning and a number of shareholders had already pulled out of the company.

After watching the news report on TV yesterday evening, Lena could find absolutely nothing to say to Kara. She was furious, yet somehow understanding. Kara needed someone to talk to and Lena was too stubborn and closed off to listen. Her mind was elsewhere and that was her own fault. But she couldn't quite get over the fact that Kara would do something like this. She knows now that it was James Olsen who wrote the article and she was sure to send some of her security his way to ruffle him up a little and surely enough after some persuasion he deleted the article, but it was too late, the damage had already been done.

And that is why Lena found herself waking up alone for the first time in 3 years.

She checked her phone as she sat up against the plush white pillows of her bed and saw she had three missed calls from Kara. She knew if she didn't respond with something it wouldn't be long until Kara was bursting through the door of her penthouse apartment.

Kara, I have nothing to say to you. We can talk when I'm ready. L

At least that would keep Kara's thoughts at bay and stop her from picturing the worst.

Lena finally decided to get up out of bed and get ready for the day. Which meant a day cooped up in her apartment, avoiding all signs of life. How enthralling.

She followed her morning routine, getting showered, alone, much to her dismay and she then continued on to brush her teeth and get dressed. Seeing as she wasn't venturing very far from her home office space there was not much need to dress up. She donned a pair of black skinnies, ripped at the knees and a grey sweater with the House of El crest on it that Kara had bought her one Christmas as a joke. She looked down at the crest and sighed in frustration.

Lena hated nothing more than fighting with Kara, but this was necessary. Things had become rocky between them not long before Lena left for the expo in Gotham and they haven't necessarily been fully on the best terms since then. They both needed some space for now.

Lena threw her hair up into a bun and padded along the mahogany floorboards out into the kitchen where she poured herself a hot cup of coffee and placed two slices of bread into the toaster. As she waited for her toast, she heard her phone ringing from the other room and quickly went to answer it.

"Hello?" Lena answered, rushing too much to check the caller ID

"Hey Lena, it's Emily" she heard a perky voice from the other end

"Oh, hey Emily. What's up?" Lena beamed as she made her way back into the kitchen and took a leaning stance against the counter-top

"You sound awfully cheerful for a woman whose company has just been dragged through the mud" Emily joked

"Wow, thanks for reminding me. I almost forgot my life was going to shit, for a minute." Lena replied darkly

"Hey, I'm just kidding. I didn't mean to be all doom and gloom. By the way, I think I have a solution for your situation" Lena could hear the grin begin to form in Emily's tone as she prepared to pitch her idea

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