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The rest of the story will be told in the perspective of Miliani

Its been about a week since. the whole ordeal with Trey, i swear that boy. Me an Christian had to explain that the scratch him and nothing happened, my relationship status is complicated to say the least.

I woke up to my loud ass alarm disturbing my much needed sleep. I had a morning classes, i usually had night dance classes but you know whatever. This one was more my best friends idea for me to come, she was teaching today and wanted me to come since i had a vacation form work.

I reach to turn off my alarm but was stopped by a groan that was clearly not mine. I froze trying to remember what happened last night.
And it slowly came back to me.

Last night

My boyfriend, if you could call him that, texted me out of the blue

Jay: i think we should take a break

Y/n💋☕: A break? we were barely together

just texting him made my hands shake with fear, and sweat with anxiety. I hate this feeling; no one should have the power to strike this much fear in your soul. I never should have gave him that luxury, too late.

Asshat: you were mine but I have a new girl, who takes care of me

I just threw my phone to the floor and grabbed my coat and some shoes and drove to the bar, i needed to drown out my mixed emotions. Although I was mad I can't help but rejoice that I was finally free. I just feel bad for whatever girl fell for his tricks and flashy gifts like I did.

Once i arrived i took a seat and called the bartender " what can i get you pretty lady?" "4 tequila shots" i said removing my jacket. " whew ok coming right up sweetheart". He soon sat them down, i knocked them back one after another before he could walk away. "bring me the bottle"

I was tispy but well aware of my surroundings when i felt a large hand on my back, drinking was my thing back in my freshmen and sophomore year of college, i have since grown out of the. BUt my high tolerance remained.
"Wassup Lani" i turned meeting the eyes of Christian. "Im trying to get drunk could you let me be" i stated with a sad look on my face " shit. Lets get hammered" i just nodded.

That was the extent of what i remembered. But now im naked in bed with some man . that's when a tattooed arm came over me pulling me into a hard chest.

I knew those tattoos...


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