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Rashad's pov

"Bro, did you see the cheeks tho whoo." Trey said dramatically from the backseat. He's been on this all day, and at this point I'm fed. Milani decided to bring me lunch at the 'office', which isn't a problem. It's what she wore;a pair of white biker shorts and a matching shirt with too much tittie showing in my opinion. Don't get me wrong women can wear what ever they please, just not MY sister. "You disresp- SHUT UP! that's my sister nigga." I yelled throwing my hat at him not finding the right words to properly cuss him out and drive. " damn bro my fault, damn" he said putting the hat on the arm rest between me and Christian, with that shit eating grin on his face; asshole. " can ya'll quit it ain't that deep" Christian groaned trying to go back to sleep. " im tryna' be deep up in dat pus-" i slammed on the breaks.
Christians' head hit the dashboard, his ass shoulda' had his seatbelt on.I looked it the mirror " you got one 'mo time you ugly bastard" he threw his hands up, surrendering. " my fault bro ".
"Who this" Christian said holding up my phone, i didn't like having it on me why i drove. texting a driving is stupid so I throw it on the floor. I didn't look at the caller ID just kept driving 'answer it' i mumbled through gritted teeth still pissed. He just shrugged and answered.

Milani's POV

I was beyond pissed. Not only did my bum ass brother fuck my house up he ate all my motherfuckin' cereal. Like I don't mind sharing but this shit along with the scene he caused in his work place. I was fed up, it didn't take much to set me off when shits been pileing up. I picked up my phone and facetime him, i wanna see his face while i cuss his ass out.

After about 2 rings he answered ,at least I thought it was him, " you bummy, musty, hungry ass stealin' thief you ate my damn cereal!!!" I yell into the phone. "Damn-" i cut the voice short. "Like how dare you? Do you see me eating them nasty ass blueberry pop tarts you be eatin'? SELFISH! Selfish that's what you are, YOU DON'T EVEN EAT CAPTAIN CRUNCH!!" after i yelled into the phone, all i could hear was laughs. Trey's cackling, bronchitis aftermath sounding ass laugh erupted through my ears. A guy I've never seen before in the camera.

He was fine FINE, my damn. "Oh sorry. Can you hand the phone to Rashad" i said in a fake polite voice. "He driving right now, beautiful." He said in a sweet tone, his accent not going unnoticed. "But im pretty sure he heard you, you're on speaker phone hun" he grinned into the camera, that was entirely to close to the camera. "SORRY I WAS HUNGRY-" i heard Rashad yell in the i quickly hung up. Who's hungry enough to eat a whole box?

"Whew heavenly father, that was the finest nan i done seen in a long ass time." I breathe out. As i lay down on the couch. I aint even mad no more

Soooooo hi everyone, I have decided to name my main character. (which can be changed if you feel that the old way was better) Simply because I like the look.

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Much love- skye

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