Chapter III

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Grimwald place 1995
Ady's Pov
"It all started with a time turner... James had found one in the attic and as the 'gentleman' he is gave it to Ady." Teddy started every one from the future sniggered at James being a gentleman. I felt bad so gave his hand a squeeze. "Then when i was looking at it on Ady's neck as she was over James' shoulder he whipped around the chain broke it shattered to the ground sending us all here." Teddy finished "lets just hope Roxanne is smart enough to get your parents when she sees were gone." Vic says to Teddy leaning on him "who's your parents?" Mrs Weasley asks. Me and Scorp's faces went white thinking of there reaction everyone else kind of went red some one muttered 'them' but they all heard it. Teddy takes the lead "you are most of our parents." "Who" Fred asks entrained "let me introduce my self properly Teddy Lupin" the look on is fathers face was shock sadness and delight. "Your not a-" he begins "no but i am a metamorphagus like my mum." Tonks almost squeed but blushed "ok who's next?" Teddy said "Victorie Weasley Bill and Fleur are my parents" there were murmuring around the room "James Potter son of Harry and Ginny Potter" i look at young Mrs Potter and she was beet red as well as Mr Potter "Albus Potter brother of this idiot." "Lily Potter the best Potter and last" as if it was possible Mr and Mrs Potters faces went redder "Fred Weasley the second my parents are George and Angelina Weasley" "hey Georgie you stole my girlfriend!" Fred shouted in a jokey way "im Rose Weasley daughter of Ron and Hermione Weasley" "what?" Hermione and Ron shout "moving on" Teddy says "im Scorpius Malfoy and my parents are Draco and Astoria Malfoy" there was an outrage at the table until "SHUT IT" lily shouted everyone immediately shut up "and last but not least, im Adeline Malfoy Ady for short sister to this guy" i say pointing at Scorp. Everyone starts shouting again 'why are they here' and 'that slimy gits kids' now James spoke up " shut it this is my girlfriend and brothers best friend your shouting about!!" We all went into silence.

Meanwhile at Potter Manor 2024
Harrys Pov
As soon as we get back home Roxy comes running up to us out of breath "everyone... disapered..... time turner..... gone... an hour ago" she manages to get out we all run inside and get to the living room and there on the floor is a smashed time turner "when do you think they've gone!?" Cries Ginny i give her a hug "i don't know love, i don't know"
I say rubbing her back "why don't you mirror them?" Roxy says quietly "Of Course!" Exclaims Hermione
Grimwald place 1995
Ady's Pov
Theres a ringing sound going through the room "whats that?" Asks Harry "a mirror phone" James says as he takes out his mirror he gulps "its mum..." he continues "Take Cover!" Freddie yells we all scammer under the table James and the past people are the only ones left sitting at the table. "Why are you all under the table?" Asks Sirius amused
Freddie pokes his head up "you've obviously never met Aunt Ginny when shes on the phone to James" he ducks back under the table James answers the call.. "JAMES SIRIUS POTTER WHAT HAVE YOU DONE WE WERE AWAY FOR 3 HOURS AND WE'VE HEARD FROM ROXY YOU BROKE A TIME TURNER! YOUR LUCKY IM NOT THERE OR I WOULD HEX YOU TILL NO TOMORROW WHEN ARE YOU WERE COMING TO GET YOU!" James' face visibly paled "uh you are here for one "James its me Hermione has just taken your mother outside for a breather where are you?" Mr potters voice comes through the mirror. I sit back up in my seat along with Teddy and Victorie everyone else still under the table the expressions on everyone's faces is hilarious "Mr Potter its Ady" i begin taking the mirror from James him visibly calming down i grab his hand "oh hello Ady where are you?" "Your house but in 1995." "WHAT?!?" I hear my mothers voice in the background "are you all there?" Mr Potter asks "yeah" "my baby are you ok hows scorp. Were coming to get you!!" My mother shouts through the mirror making me and Scorp go beat red. "were fine, heres teddy." I say giving the mirror to teddy everyone is now back at the table.
Oooh Astoria embarrassing her kids even when shes not there. I feel sorry for Ady and Scorp and all the hate they get for being Malfoys.
Any way till next time.

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 31, 2023 ⏰

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