Little did they know that this small action will get them in a lot of trouble, and not just by Harry.


" He started it!"

" I did not! I was singing and you threw the dough ball at me!"

" You're an annoying little prick! Your daddy doesn't take care of you!"

" Louis William Tomlinson!"

Luke looked like he had been shot in the heart when Louis said this, tears springing to his eyes instantly. His bottom lip puckered out and began to wobble. He tried his best to swallow down the noises that were coming along with his tears, but they just made small hiccups and whimpers.

" Luke, do you want me to get ahold of Ashton?" Harry asked, glaring down at his little who was staring at his feet nervously.

" N-No thank y-you.. I-I'll just.. Sit in the corner until you tell me t-to get out.. Calum and Mikey do that wh-when daddy isnt around." Luke said, his voice so soft and angelic- even a feather could break it. Thats not why Harry asked if he wanted him to call Ashton, but he'll take it.

" Okay. Now, Louis, i want the whole truth." Harry says, staring down at the blue eyed little. Louis rolled his eyes and scoffed, " Okay. Fine."

" Dont roll your eyes at me and drop the attitude." Harry says, his daddy voice breaking through. Luke would sit there on his bar stool and draw small patterns into the mess he and Louis made of the kitchen counter.

" What happened was he got mad at me for singing and threw things at me. I got mad at him and threw things back." Luke shrugged. Harry looked down at Louis who gave a small nod, not looking up at his dom.

" Thats about right." He says softly.

" About?"

" I wasn't mad because of the singing.. I was mad because you left Ashton, and now hes probably worried. Its been irritating me ever since we got you here. I love you being here.. Just not under these circumstances. I dont see why you thought it was a good idea to le-"

" He cheated."

Louis blinked and shut his mouth, Harry raising his eyebrows. " Excuse me?"

" I thought you two knew?" Luke tilted his head. The two shook their heads and stared at Luke.

" I called while you two were.. Erm.."

" Oh! Thats what you were saying?" Louis asks. Luke bit on his lip to fight back tears and nodded. " Yeah."

" Sorry.. I uh.. Just thought that maybe.. You two had a small fight and you needed to get away for a bit.." Louis says softly. Harry hummed and took Louis hand, " Well, that doesn't take away the punishment."

" No, daddy, please, im sorry." Louis frowned and pouted when Harry tired to pull him away. The little huffed and pulled away from his daddy.

" Harry, its okay.. Its not fair, anyway, if he gets punished one way and i the other. Lets just drop it.." Luke shrugged. Harry looked between the two littles, one frowning and the other smiling softly.

" Okay, okay. Just- clean this up, now." He orders. The two nod quickly and hop off their stools to clean up the kitchen.

Harry had a call to make.


" Hello?" Ashton hummed, laying under the covers of his hotel bed. Yeah, he knew where Luke was, it was obvious. So, when Harry called, he picked up immediately and tried his best not to sulk.

" Hey.. So, I'm assuming youre looking for Luke?"

" I know hes there."

" Right.." Harry paused for a second,
" Fuck you, first of all. Second of all, he needs you. He keeps saying hes okay- but i mean.. I can tell he has a lot of anxiety, hes scared. Really scared." Harry explained.

Ashton sat up in the bed and bit on his lip gently. " Oh.. Why is that?"

" Because hes here and you're there, dumbnut."

" Oh.."


" You need to come and get him, Ashton. He needs you.. Even if he wont admit it. You two need to talk about what happened, too." Harry stated, but before Ashton could say a single thing, he quickly added, " Rose Gold hotel on 4th street. Room 304."

Then he hung up.


This was really bad

Also.. I thought I had more to write- bur this chapter has been sitting here complete and fullt unedited..

Basically, this should have been uploaded about.. Two weeks ago maybe. Maybe one.

LUKE HEMMINGS IS A BRAT! -🍼- Lashton ( Ddlb/Smut ) Where stories live. Discover now