Drei (3)

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Die Freitag Nacht (Friday Night)

I dashed out of my bathroom and dried my shoulder length kinky hair that has completely relaxed due to the constant application of Black Secret hair relaxer.
I pulled out my curling machine and worked on my hair. Minutes later, my thick black hair cascaded down my shoulder in waves.

A satisfactory smile swept across my lips as I stared at the reflection of my image in the dressing mirror before me. I pulled out my make up kit and started applying the foundation on my face. I completed my look by applying a mauve lipstick on my lips.

I removed my short skimpy red dress from the hanger and wore it. It ended right below my ass. I quickly slippery my feet into my six inches black heels and buckled it firmly at my ankle.

I walked into the hall and gave my mom a goodbye kiss. She has been sober for a week. I hope she stays that way forever.

Take care honey, she said

Ok mom! I love you, I said and walked out of the hall into the warm evening
breeze. I removed my phone from my purse & texted my crazy girlfriends.

Elena : you ready to hit the road??

Kat : Yes babe! We're on our way to your place.

Elena: WTF! Make it snappy. I have standing out here for a decade.

Kat : Lolx.. keep calm, girlfriend. We'll be there soon. Carolina is gonna pick you up in her new ride. The car's hot!

Elena: can't wait to experience that luxury of rubbing my ass on those leather seats.

Five minutes later,

A sleek black BMW pulled up infront Elena. Girlfriend, get the fuck in, Kat squealed happily

My heart leapt for joy at the sight of my crazy girlfriends as I opened the backseat and plopped down on the soft leather seat.

Carolina, your ride is dope, I complimented

Yeah babe! It's hotter than fuck, she added happily

Ok girls, let hit the road! She shouted crazily and stepped on the accelerator.


The club was in a full blast when the three of us stepped in. Different colours of neon lights greeted our eyes harshly. The loud music filled our ears to the maximum. We made our way to the counter as Carolina signalled the bartender.

Pretty ladies! Welcome to blazers NC. What may I get you?, he said amicably

Three shots of whiskey for each of us! Kat replied eagerly
He nodded quickly and pulled out three mini glass cups which he filled with whiskey.

Ladies, have fun! He said and handed the yellowish liquid to each of us. We downed the shots in a second and stepped onto the dance floor.


I waited patiently to catch a glimpse of her as she came out of her apartment looking so pretty and sexy. That dress hugged her body perfectly well revealing her curves. Those smooth slender legs.....
The perfect dark skin.
I can't wait to have her all to myself.
A BMW pulled up infront of her & she quickly got in.
Follow that car, I instructed my driver
"Finally, she will be mine "

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