Dont understand.

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If everyone just wants to judge me, what's the point of even being here. So I can just sit everyday and wait for them to speak. Why can't I just be normal, be skinnier, be taller, be what everyone wants me to be. That's all I can think everyday. I just want to die. Why can't god just take me now. There's to much hate towards me. Why can't someone just kill me now, quick and fast so I don't have to worry about pain. But at the same time, i have my whole life ahead of me, I can be anything I want. Anyways have you ever just woke up one day, and noticed that no one really cares about you. I have, and it's not a good feeling. I cried many times just thinking about it. I mean the way people make me feel about myself, is the reason why I want to kill myself. I'm not even worth crying about. I don't understand how you can just wake up, and decide to ruin someone you don't even know life. It makes no sense. I can't imagine, someone killing themselves and it was all because of me. Whyyyy, can't people just accept me how I am. Love me the way I am, and not want to change me for anything. Why do people have to be so harsh. They tare me apart, piece by piece. I can't even tell you how much life is a struggle for me. I have the felling that no one understands me, and no one cares about how I feel.

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 14, 2014 ⏰

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