Chapter 14 : Side Quest 2/2

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"Are we there yet?" An impatient Boruto asked. He felt like they took the long way instead of the map's instruction.

"Almo-" Konohamaru said, before being interupted by the loud shaking noise of the leaves. They all kept silent, looking around for any people nearby.

The noise came back, seeming as if someone was moving fast near the trees. By then, they were already in a battle stance and a kunai at their hands.

Then the leaves made another noise, this time a loud thud came accompanying a person tired on the floor.

A person then loudly exclaimed, cursing at their misfortune.

Seeing the people come down, Boruto thought they looked familiar. Once spotting a gigantic wooden coffin-like box being carried by a man, it became clear.

"Hey! Give back that scroll you stole!" Boruto loudly exclained, before attacking the man.

As expected, he dodged the kunai thrown at him. Sarada activated her sharingan, throwing accurately every shurekin she throws and dodging everything.

To Boruto's suprise, he found a scroll on one of the man's pocket. Being descreet, he quietly took the oppurtunity to strike, almost achieving his goal if it wasn't for the trees.

Konohamaru, to his luck, managed to capture one of them. "Sarada, I leave those two to you and Boruto!" He exclaimed, as he held down the man.

The blonde was very eager to get that scroll back. They all happened to be in the same one versus one situation.

Boruto aggresively headed for the one with the scroll. Pulling out his kunai, he striked the man. A puppet came and took his supposed fate.

On the other hand, Sarada had a much easier battle. She dodged every single one of the weapons and captured him before thirty minutes passed.

Boruto tried everything, even remembering what Sasuke had taughy him. He used every jutsu he could do.

He won.

"Tch. Good job, boy." The man said, tied and layed on the ground.

"I'm getting this back." Boruto grabbed the scroll from the man and brought the man to Konohamaru, who had the other two.

"'Kay, let's go back!" Konohamaru exclaimed.

Their journey back to the Leaf village had finally started.

"Hey Boruto, how do you know these guys?" Konohamaru asked.

"Oh, we've met them before." Sarada quickly replied, before Boruto could even speak.

The journey was quite silent, except for the fact that all three had their fair share of whining. They stopped a few times to rest or camp.

They finally arrived back to the Leaf Village.

"You guys go do whatever you want. I'll go report to the hokage." Konohamaru, feeling responsible, said.

"Thank you!" Both Sarada and Boruto said as they went back to the Hyuga household.

Looking at the main room, Boruto found his father with Neji intensely playing a game of shoji.

"Oh, welcome back!" Sakura exclaimed, holding a bottle of sake.

"How was the mission?" Sarada asked her mother.

"It went great!" She said, laughing like a crazy woman.

Sasuke just sighed, watching from the corner.


Hey guys!! So advanced merry Christmas and like be ready for the last chapter published soon.

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