Chapter Three: Notionate

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Nine letters

Three syllables


Strong willed or stubborn

My alarm began blaring. I groaned
“No” I said quietly, pushing stop. Unfortunately, I knew myself too well, the alarm started blaring about five minutes later. I sighed softly and sat up. Looking over at Mei who was already stretching and getting ready for her enclosed day “must be nice. You can sleep and eat all day.” I say, sitting up. I walked into the bathroom and turned on the shower, rubbing my eyes that had dark circles ringing around them. After a few seconds I stripped and stepped into the water, I began planning my day, every step and motion and stop I would do today

First I needed to get ready

I brushed my teeth and rinsed with mouthwash, I wrapped a towel around my waist and walked out to my closet. After pushing some clothes around for a few minutes I pulled out a pair of black pants and a pastel blue crew neck with the words :one day: on the back, I slipped them on and picked up my pair of cherry checkered and, putting them on as I checked my phone. I stood up and grabbed an extra pair of clothes, a yellow sweatshirt with sunflowers on the sleeves and the words :flower child: on the front and another pair of black pants. I threw in my keys and wallet as well before throwing it over my shoulder, I picked up my earbuds and plugged them into my phone Slow Dancing in the Dark by Joji played as I walked out to the front door

“Love you Mei Mei” I called out, a small smile on my face as I closed and locked up the door.

Second, I needed to get to work, but first starting off the coffee shop.

I quickly made my way down the road, looking at my shoes the entire time. I curled my dark red hair around my ear as I stood at the cross walk, waiting for it to change. I stared off into the distance, biting my lip. I was knocked back to reality when someone shoved past me, I looked at the cross walk, realizing that it had turn green. I quickly started making my way across the road, almost running as the time counted down. I stood a deep breath and continued walking. After walking a block I arrived at the coffee shop, I walked in, immediately searching for Aizawa. After being hit with the disappointment of him not being here, I walked to his usual counter. An old, balding man stood there, a pissy look written across his face

“Hi” I said quietly,

“What do ya want” he said, angrily. Shock flashed across my face, this was a rough city area but I didn’t expect such nastiness from a coffee barista. I took a deep breath and opened my mouth, but nothing came u

“I...I um” my chest felt heavy and my heart beat so fast it felt like it wasn’t even beating, that it was just one pump. I felt a hand on my shoulder

“Vanilla iced coffee, right?” I turned and looked up, Aizawa stood there in his apron. I felt a huge crash of relief wash over me. I loosened my shoulders

“Yeah” I said, softly. Aizawa looked up at the man with his tired, held closed eyes

“I got this one Al.” he said tiredly. Al looked at him for a few moments, mumble something under his breath and walked away. Aizawa came around the counter and made me my drink, he handed it to me as I pulled out my ten dollars, setting it on the counter as I took a sip of the drink

“Thank you” I mumble just loud enough for him to hear me, he nodded with a small smirk on his face

“I was debating whether or not to help you”

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