In Kith an Kin

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The smell of food woke up four hungry girls as they made there way in to the kitchen to see shadow clones at working making a delicious dishes for his pregnant brides and little girl.

They each sat at there spots and waited till the food was brought and they dug in nourishing themselves and there unborn offspring.

While eating Kin looked over her father and saw his eyes were red and puffy like he had been crying.

"You ok daddy?" she asked him making the other three look up and there eyes widened. He gave a small smile,"yeah baby i'm ok, i was just thinking about your older sister is all," he told her making the three gaps as they knew who he was talking about.

"I had Onii-chan?" she asked surprised.

"Yes sweety you did. Before i had you i had another girl first and she looked very much like Kushina baa-chan with red hair and all. But she was taken from me by an evil man and i was never able to forgive myself for failing her. I loved her just as much as i love you and it still hurts my heart sometimes to think about her," he explained to his one year old.

Shizune, Mei and Anko could only look on in saddness for him, they had never known what it was like to lose a child, but they still felt his pain. Dinner became a little more somber.

Afterwards it was late and everyone was sleepy so Naruto helped his wives with shadow clones to bed, while he personally put Kin to bed.

"I'm sowwy daddy, i love you and want you no hurt," Kin said a little her father was in pain as she teared up a bit.

"Thank you sweety, but part of me will always hurt, but i'l make it through it, and your a big help to that".

He tucked her in kissed her goodnight, and headed to bed, once in his room he got into bed where he was sandwiched between his love wives who cuddle him lovingly.

"Are you ok Naruto-kun?" asked a sad Shizune.

"To be honest no, but i will be i have you three and Kin so i'l make it through" he told them all kissing there lips and off to sleep they went.

The next morning he felt better and got the day started with some light breakfast. One by one his girls came out to eat and breakfast was a much lighter affair then dinner had been.

"Hey why don't we go to the park today get some fresh air and get you three out of the house for awhile?"
Naruto suggested making Kin beam.

They all agreed and got ready and headed out for a day of fun.

Walking through the village they family of five were met with smiles, nods and greetings. To which were reciprocated as well since this was technically the royal family of the Leaf.

They made it too the park and Naruto set out to get his queens comfortable, bringing out the lawn chairs for them with lots of padding and such he got them comfortable.

Mei was sunbathing and enjoying the light breeze, Shizune was reading the first book Jiraya ever wrote as she now could pick it up again and enjoy it, while Anko was happily eating dango and sipping on some special green tea Naruto made for her as she could not drink sake till the babies were born.

Naruto took his little girl to the playset and they played. She was having a blast as she played all over the set and swings and sometimes Naruto would tag and go after her like a silly monster, making her squeal with delight. His three wives watching on and giggling to themselves.

Off in the bushes we see several nin from Kiri and Iwa scouting the park,"do you see the bitch?" one spoke up as another pointed cautiouly.

"There she is and she is pregnant like the report said," the lookout stated.

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