Prologue | 3

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In an instant, after I exited through the doors, I felt my heart shatter. I don't know what I was expecting, not that we would be free to leave, but... A cage such as this was not what I wanted to see. It stretched up into the sky, trapping us all in like birds in a cage. I gripped the hem of my sweater dress, sweating slightly.

"Rise and shine, ursine!"

I yelped, hopping back a good couple of metres at the appearance of the five bears.
"Surprised about the cage, huh? I getcha!" Monotaro beamed, arms crossed over his chest. "The first time I saw it, my fingernails and teeth all fell out!"
That doesn't sound healthy...

"Gahh! But it's so awesomely huge! I can see why it's called the End Wall, eh?" The blue one spoke, arms crossing over his chest. It appeared he was sweating, too... Weird.
"E... End Wall? What do you mean?" I asked nervously, trying my hardest to not let my voice waver.
"Usually a wall is erected to split two places up, yeah? This wall is different, it represents... The end of the world." Monosuke explained, moving his glasses up slightly.

That was all I could hear. After those words, I started walking off.
"Wha- Hey! Where are you goin'?"
"Elsewhere!" I yelled in return, storming away from them with my hands clasping my sweater. As I walked, I came across someone else. A male was stood outside of this large building- It read Dormitory, so I presume it was where we were supposed to sleep- staring up at the cage above us. He seemed conflicted.

He had spiked purple hair, along with piercing purple eyes. He wore a pink jacket with a galaxy pattern on the inside of it, one side of the jacket simply left over his shoulder. Beneath that he wore an unbuttoned, cream shirt. Beneath that he had a white shirt with a red pattern in the corner of it. As well as that, he had similar pink coloured trousers, cuffed around his mid shin, paired with some galaxy slippers.

It was quite the look.

"...Hey?" I greeted, leaning against the railings cutting the path off from the grassy foliage.

"Geez, how'd they even make this thing...?" The guy muttered, before glancing over my way. He perked a bit at the sight and beamed, trying to be as optimistic as he could. I commended his efforts with a smile.
"Ah! Hey there! Let me introduce myself-" He paused, before connecting his fists together in front of his chest, a wide grin on his face.

"I'm Kaito Momota, Luminary of the Stars! Even crying children adore the Ultimate Astronaut!" 
I let out a short chuckle at his introduction, waving my hand slightly.
"Nice to meet you, Kaito. I'm (Y/n) (L/n), the Ultimate Aquarist. Not much compared to an Ultimate Astronaut, though..." I trailed off with a sigh.

"Oi, quit your grumbling and complaining! Can't have it turning into a habit." He explained, shaking his head with a huff. Though, it did seem that the compliment I had indirectly given him was still accepted.
"But yeah, isn't it cool? I'm an astronaut!"

Nodding my head, I chuckled again. "Yeah, it's super cool. I thought you had to be older to take the test, but I guess they make some exceptions?"
"Ah... Well, actually I had a friend of mine forge some documents and all that- you know, so I could take the test. I did get found out in the end but it was all fine because the people up top said they liked my gall!" He explained, fist clenched.

"What about you, eh? How'd you get your title?" Kaito asked, staring me down with interested eyes. I gave a sheepish chuckle and shrugged.
"It's not much to share, like yours. My dad worked as a marine biologist and ended up taking place as veterinary staff at an aquarium in the city... I just so happened to be a diver, so they let me help out there! That was a good few years ago... The rest is history," I chirped, my hands clasped together in front of me. I always loved reliving the day I was first hired at the aquarium. Even if back then all I could do was feed some of the animals and give them checkups, I loved every second of it.

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