Prologue | 1

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Finally, after getting out of the house, I started my journey to school. It was a bit of an issue, a long walk from the seaside to the edge of the city, a bus ride through the city, and then another twenty or so minutes of walking to reach the school from the stop... But it was worth the work, in reality. After all, living by the sea was a privilege. I had free reign during my free time to do whatever, and it meant I could read a good book on the beach, or even go for a swim. Though, I'd be lying if I said my favourite part wasn't going diving.

Shaking my head from later thoughts- I'd have the time to swim later all I want, now I'd need to get my mind onto the topic of school- I hummed slightly. The beach was a good few miles or so behind me, meaning I only had a couple miles to go before I reached the bus stop.

I always found it amusing how close the edge of the city was to the sea-life. They did have that large aquarium somewhere in the centre of the city- actually, I had training there after school- but that didn't quite compete with the vastness of the ocean. The view of the sun rising over the horizon against rippling waves, and the way the water rolled back off the sand. It was a sight I got to see every day.

"Perks of waking up so early," I muttered beneath my breath, a tired look etched onto my face. It wasn't any later than 5 am- the walk could take between an hour or two depending on the weather, so I had to wake up early- and even if the sun was up, I sure as hell didn't want to be.

And to think, I should be used to this sort of stuff by now.

Rolling my shoulders, I continued the trek in minimum daylight, one hand clasped around the strap of my satchel, the other brushing imaginary dirt from my skirt. Subconscious habit.


Just under an hour later, I'd finally reached my stop. The bus wasn't there yet- it didn't start up until six thirty after all- so I had half an hour to pass by.

Plopping down on the bench of the stop, I tugged out a work of fiction from my bag, flicking through the pages until I reached the one bookmarked. Nothing helped kill some time like leaving to a non-existent world. Crossing one leg over the other, I began to read, letting my mind wander.

-and with the sounding of a bell, the world shattered around the poor girl. Her daydream had been wiped clean as the class ended, and everyone stood to leave. In no time, it was just her and her thoughts. Packing up her items, she stumbled out the door and towards the roof in hopes of a peaceful lunch. No such luck followed her, however, as she was met with the back of a student who had paused mid-corridor. Her belongings, along with her own body, were sent tumbling to the ground. All of her things went everywhere, leaving her in a frenzy in attempt to pick it up. "Oh, my apologies. I didn't mean to bump into you!" A voice spoke up as a male dressed in the common school uniform crouched before her, hand outstretched. A book was in one of his hands, the other aiming to pull her to her feet. In an instant, a red crept it's way up her cheeks. Admittedly, he was quite handsome. His facial features well-defined and his-

"That's enough of that." I snickered slightly, tossing the book back into my bag. As intriguing as the plot happened to be- from the blurb, it mentioned something about a mysterious event happening, it had really managed to catch my interest- the sheer cliche of it all was beginning to get me flustered.

Giving a nervous giggle, I tugged out my phone instead. No harm in a little bit of internet scrolling, right? At least until the bus came by.


"Thanks for the ride." Tugging at the strap over my shoulder, I hopped off the bus and began my trip to school. The doors closed behind me and off the driver went- rather strangely, a couple of people had ended up getting on the bus with me and, coincidentally, getting off it at the same stop, too. However, I just simply shrugged it off. Who cares if a couple of people have the same stop as me? I certainly don't. 

plenty of fish in the sea | kokichi x readerWhere stories live. Discover now