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Grayson walked towards a boat, that's when something came across my "field of eyesight", damn! he has a better butt than me, mine was more of pancake flat.

Forcing myself to stop thinking of BUTTS my focus goes to the boat to which Grayson was walking to. It was decorated for a party and a signboard near it read 'invites only' I eyed Grayson to let him know I wasn't invited to any party, but he took no notice of it.

"Do you want to be my girlfriend or sister?" he whispered moving my hair from my ears. I look at him baffled not sure if I heard the question right, but before I could answer, a guy appeared at the entrance and waved at him, "girlfriend it is" he snickered.

"Aloha!" Gray greeted the guy. He was shorter than Grayson but they both looked the same age also he was quite hot! but more of beach boy hot, not my type. Noticing my presence he looked questioningly at me and Grayson.

"Nathan, this is my girlfriend, Julia," he said, grabbing by my waist to bring me closer. My face felt hot, and I smiled weakly at Nathan who looked at me with disappointment. "She is coming for the ride" gray added.

"huh?" Nathan muttered moving from the entrance for us to enter, he had a look of total confusion, but he didn't utter a word.

The bottom bunker had food ready for a buffet, that was set for probably an entire zoo. As I looked around the boat, I noticed something peculiar, there was no one there. I climbed the staircase to the top bunker which was the only place for me to judge, and Gray was there, sitting on the railing, looking at the waters below.

"what was that for?" I asked him, about calling me his girlfriend.

"It got you in right?" he questioned his eyebrows raised.

"Am I even allowed in here? and what is this by the way" I asked settling down on the pillows arranged for seating.

"I'm like the air hostess for the boat, so is Nathan and this is a private party for a group of rich asses. I am being a good fellow human being and doing a favor for you."

air hostess?

"you know narrating-rehearsed-line-about-safety-while-people-ignore-you person," he said reading my mind.

"They will be here in a few minutes, there is a room for you to change in the bottom bunker," he pointed out, turning back towards the waters. I snickered to myself, he looked like a poet who was lost in his thoughts.

I make my way to the changing room, feeling high from excitement. A long hallway downstairs lead me to the changing room. Undressing I slipped into a bright pink two-piece victorias secrets bikini, I'm not a big fan of pink but Selena highly recommended me to buy it, who also said that its gonna make "guys drool". With those words I was sold, I bought it right away. Seeing myself in the mirror, I realized how precise she was, I looked like a hot chica, at least that's what I thought.

I looked down at my slim and long legs, which I have grown not to be insecure about. Growing up I was really short and when puberty came by for a long vacation I was suddenly taller than guys in the class, awkward!. Throughout high school, I remained taller than average girls in the school which came with a lot of attention and bullying. I blamed it on my mom for passing me that gene, which she considered to be a blessing. I didn't understand what she meant, how can, not being able to wear heels be a blessing?

Later on, college happened, my path? fashion institute. This was the place where height equaled to winning a lottery. Towering over guys wasn't a problem there, thankfully they grew taller than me.

My height was what set me apart from others and it was what Brian liked the most about me. I worked for a freaking modeling agency now, who would have known? and it is all the more exciting when you and your best friend are together in the same industry, although we ended up there in our two different ways. Now, look at me, who's living the life now huh?

The boat started moving and I make my way out of the room gathering my dress.

Grayson was outside, pinning Nathan on to the wall "WHY DIDNT YOU TELL ME, YOU FOOL?!!" he screamed at him. Both of them turned when they noticed my presence, Nathan gave a low whistle while Grayson was holding back a smile. "whats wrong?"I asked not sure what was happening.

"Ya Nathan!!, why don't you tell her?" Gray said, his hands tightening on his collar.

"CHEERS!" a group of people cheered, it was from upstairs. I look at them, waiting for an answer.

Grayson rubbed his temples, "You are in a bachelor's party"

"GUY'S... bachelor party" Nathan added

I feel my insides coming out, I wasn't sure if it was because of motion sickness or of what I just heard. My mouth closed and opened but no voice came out.

"I thought he knew," Nathan said his hands up in surrender, looking at Grayson.

"Obviously I didn't," he said pointing at me, he was about to kill Nathan again when we heard footsteps coming our direction.

Grayson pointed at the dressing room to me, I opened the door to get in, but it was too late,

"aye mate" the man called out to Grayson, he froze in his tracks when he saw me. All I could do was smile at him weakly. I recognized the old man from the harbor, he now stood before us looking back and forth at all three of us.

"I thought t'was only men?" he asked with a thick accent.

"It was" Nathan pointed out, "It's Gray's girlfriend," he said making air quotes.

"No, I'm not," I said tired of all the bullshit, for some reason Nathan had an I-knew-it expression on his face.

"ayye wat's happening sunny?" the old man asked Nathan

Son? I look at Nathan and the old man, they had nothing in common except for their eyes, which was a light shade of blue and grey. Nathan with his long blond hair was handsome in his own ways, and his dad, well he was his dad, expect you won't know unless you're told.

A series of shouting from upstairs broke the silence, " we aight go upstairs, or they will break my boat" the old man said

his boat?

"and you" he pointed at me " your the lifeguard, missy"

"ayye," I said imitating him, I could only smell cigarettes from him.

"You may want to cover up a little or something," Gray said with his smirk as they walked away. When they were not in sight anymore, I slapped myself in the face, How the hell did I end up in this situation?

I grabbed my pants in a fit and something dropped to the floor, I took it in my hands, I couldn't but smile.

revenge is sweet!

heyyaaa sorry for the late upload,

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 14, 2018 ⏰

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